June 29, 2011

Etsy Lovin'...The Word Shop

I've been meaning to share The Word Shop with you for sometime now, but I guess have never gotten around to it.  I don't know about you, but I've been LOVING graphic prints lately.  My oh my, there are some talented artists out there!  :) 

I especially love the Butcher Chart prints from The Word Shop...let me explain.  With all of the school budget cuts, do they still have FFA in high school (side note- I sure hope so!)?  Well folks, I was a very active FFA member, from my first day of high school until graduation!  I raised two lambs and two pigs for market, as well as one dairy heifer...and loved every minute of it! 

Long story short, the butcher charts are a throw back to my high school days, and what's not to love about having educational wall art in your kitchen?  :)

June 28, 2011

Answered Prayers!

I'm learning that patience is key.  I have to say that I've never been a very patient person.  I've never really had to wait for much, and at times I think I equate patience with boredom as I'd rather be overloaded with work than sit idle.  I've digressed a bit, but I hope you get where I'm coming from.

This past weekend was a BIG weekend for Squirmy Worm Studio.  Friday was the one year anniversary of when I lost my job.  It seems weird to equate an anniversary with unemployment, as its not oh so joyful, but it is what it is.  I really can't believe its been a year.  Sure I've enjoyed hours of Hoda and Kathie Lee (that one's for you Sherri!) and of course my afternoon indulgence of Let's Make A Deal (they give out some awesome prizes!), but I've really spent the majority of my time building my business.  Friday afternoon as I was driving home from the local quilt shop I received an awesome email...a wholesale order for two of my patterns (Diaper Wristlet and Thread Catcher).  Yep, that's right, my patterns are now for sale at Tall Mouse Crafts & Fabric!  :)  Definitely an answered prayer, AND exactly a year from when I was let go!  God has a great plan for my life, and I'm more than happy to be on this ride!

June 27, 2011

A Quilt for a Special Bride and Groom!

I'm here to show you what I picked up at the local quilt shop!  My good buddy, Casey, is getting married in September to his sweet fiance, Heather.  (I'm using their real names because they don't follow my blog- ha!).  :)  I've thought long and hard about what I wanted to create for them, as I wanted to gift a very special and one-of-a-kind wedding gift.  Both Casey and Heather are architects, so I wanted to go with a very modern quilt, but then again I know how much I procrastinate when I try something new...yadda, yadda, yadda!  Long story short, I am going to make them a quilt like my sweet friend, Kara's quilt.  The pattern is Threaded Pear Studio's Fantastic-O Fat Fun quilt pattern, which is fun and easy...definitely something I can complete before September (now that I'm working and all!!!).  :)

My Momma and Dad came to see my trunk show display at the local quilt shop on Sunday (the last day of the Quilter's Run), so while they were there I enlisted their help in picking out 12 coordinating fat quarters.  I found an already assembled quilt pattern at the shop, and started my fat quarter selection by taking bits and pieces out of the kit.  I then added the additional fat quarters, as needed and came up with this...

The binding will be made out of the black fabric, and the backing will be the white/black/turquoise oval fabric.  I also plan on adding a heart (via raw edge applique) to the front of the quilt with the bride and groom's initial, as well as their wedding date.  I hope everything is completed in time, and that they will LOVE it!!!  :)  Have you received a special handmade gift for your wedding/birthday/special occasion?

June 26, 2011

Bible Reading List- Week #11 and 12!

Happy Sunday to all!!!  I totally failed posting last week's reading list, so here is the reading list for week #11...

Sunday- 1 Corinthians 5-6
Monday- Genesis 40-43
Tuesday- 1 Samuel 1-5
Wednesday- Psalms 30-32
Thursday- Job 21-22
Friday- Isaiah 56-61
Saturday- Mark 1-2
Reading list for week #12 (current week).
Sunday- 1 Corinthians 7-8
Monday- Genesis 44-47
Tuesday- 1 Samuel 6-10
Wednesday- Psalms 33-35
Thursday- Job 23-24
Friday- Isaiah 62-66
Saturday- Mark 3-4

June 24, 2011

Sugar and Spice Perpetual Magnetic Calendar Tutorial!

Hello friends!  It's Friday, which means its time for a new Sugar and Spice tutorial, and this week it is MY turn to share my new tutorial...a Perpetual Magnetic Calendar- woo hoo!  Make sure to hop on over to The Quilted Fish's blog to check out the details. 


I love that I'll be able to use the same calendar, year after year, as all I have to do is change out the month letters and rearrange the dates accordingly- easy peasy!  I also think that these would make awesome gifts (Christmas is just around the corner!).  :)

June 21, 2011

Hoping to Redeem Myself!

Hello!  I must confess that I haven't been a very good Creative Consultant Teammate, as I haven't posted the past two tutorials (shame on me!).  With that, today is your lucky day if you're looking for awesome tutorials!  :)

The first tutorial is by Jackie of Jackie's Art Quilts!  Jackie so cleverly whipped up a 3-d fabric teacup and saucer!  I had the chance to hold one of her teacups and saucers in person at Quilt Market, and they are so darn cute!  I think they would make great party gifts and/or candy dishes!  :)

The second tutorial is by Stephanie of Peas in a Pod!  Stephanie created a wonderful (and kid-friendly) cookie sheet magnet board!  If you don't sew, this tutorial is SO for you, as there is no sewing involved (make sure to stop by Stephanie's blog to thank her!).  :)

I hope to see you back here on Friday, as it will be my turn to share my tutorial on The Quilted Fish's blog.  I may be biased, but I'm positive that you won't want to miss it!!!  :)

PS- Here is a sneak peek of what's to come on Friday!

June 16, 2011

SoCal Quilter's Run @ Fresh Picked Fabrics!

Hello!  Sorry I've been so quiet this week.  Its probably been one of the busiest weeks I've had all year as I'm consulting again, AND I've been preparing for my patterns and products to make their debut at the local quilt shop!  Remember this post?  Well, I'm here to happily announce that "the local quilt shop" is Fresh Picked Fabrics (3810 Prospect Avenue, Unit A, Yorba Linda, CA 92886)!!! 

I think I've mentioned this before, but let me tell you...Fresh Picked Fabrics is my favorite local quilt shop.  The fabric selection is wonderful, the shop is packed full of samples (which always gets my mind working in overdrive), and the staff is always helpful and cheery!  Below are some photos of the shop...make sure to scroll ALL THE WAY down, to see my piece of the shop!  :)

Threaded Pear Studio's new Cabana Quilts.

A little Amy Butler fabric, and samples galore (I told you their samples are awesome!!!).

My home away from home...have you ever seen so much ric rac???

Halloween is just around the corner!

More great samples...many from Lizzie B Cre8tive's new book.

Now on to my little corner!  I've set up camp towards the back of the store (between the where you get your SoCal Quilter's Run passport stamped and the food)...I'm hard to miss!  :) 

I have four sewing patterns for sale (Burlap Tote Bag, Diaper Wristlet, Nursing Cocoon, and Thread Catcher), as well as finished products of all of the aforementioned products.  In addition, I'm selling the Coffee Burlap Bags, so that you can make your own Tote Bag!

One last thing...see that sweet Tote Bag, sitting on the table (between the Nursing Cocoon, and the finished Coffee Burlap Tote Bag + behind the red and green fabric)?  Well, that is the Mini Burlap Tote Bag (measures 10" x 10", and 3.5" deep) which is a free bonus pattern that comes with the Burlap Tote Bag pattern...not too bad- eh?

I hope that everyone has enjoyed my mini tour of Fresh Picked Fabrics.  It's a really great place, and I TOTALLY think you should come in either this weekend (Thursday-Sunday) or the following weekend to take a look around.  Don't forget to stop me and say hello!  :)

June 14, 2011

Working From Home!

I'm working again!!!  I received a phone call a week or so ago from the architecture firm that I've been consulting for (on an as need basis), and guess what...they have work for me (again)!  I went into the office yesterday (for the first time since December!) to get my computer set up and get acquainted with the work I'll be doing.  I have to say it was a long day, and so weird to be in an office!  :)  Good news is the gig is very flexible and it looks like I'll be in the office two days a week and working from home the remaining days.

Speaking of working from home, I've found that my ironing board makes a great make-shift desk!  :)  I'm 'borrowing' my Dad's tall stool, I have my Diet Coke, Pandora is blaring, and I'm all good!  :)

I better get back to my 9 to 5 To-Do List!  I just wanted to say hello and share the good news.  I'm taking a late lunch today to pick up some more burlap coffee bags from the roastery, which is always exciting as I never know what the bags will look like!  Also, don't forget...this Thursday - Sunday I'll be at Fresh Picked Fabrics selling my sewing patterns, as well as finished Coffee Burlap Tote Bags, Thread Catchers, Diaper Wristlets, and Nursing Cocoons.  If you're in the area I would LOVE for you to stop by!!!  :)

June 13, 2011

Blooming Possibilities- The Clutch by Abbey Lane Quilts

So, last weekend my Momma and I both spent some time sewing- woo hoo!  While at Quilt Market, my Momma picked up Blooming Possibilities by Abbey Lane Quilts.  The book contains instructions for 12 patterns...everything from purses/clutches to flip flops and wall art!  :)

This is my Momma's Clutch!  Didn't she do a good job!?!  The main body fabric is Toni, by Windham Fabrics.  The strap is Rainy Days and Mondays by Riley Blake, and the inside lining/flower is made up of Summertime, by Henry Glass Co.

Now for my review of the pattern...  Let's just say that we got through the first fifteen steps, and while attempting step number sixteen, we decided that our best bet was to rip out all that we had done and start over (with our own pattern modifications!).  My Momma was crushed, but at least we were able to salvage all of the fabric.  

If you plan on making a Clutch of your own, I would suggest adding interfacing (12.5" x 17.5") to the mix, as it holds the pleats in place.  I would also suggest cutting the Peltex larger (12.5" x 16.5"), than the pattern calls for, as its only my opinion, but I think that the Peltex HAS to be caught in the seams in order for the corners to box properly.  As for the lining, I hate when the lining gets all bunchy when its not cut to the correct size, thus I'd suggest that the lining be turned under 1" (that or just cut 1" shorter than what the pattern calls for- your choice!).  One more...as for the magnets, in hindsight I would add the after the band is stitched in place.  I questioned this part of the pattern when first reading over the directions, and should have gone with my gut.  If the magnets are inserted before the band is sewn on, they get in the way when you're trying to top stitch the band.  Just a few modifications to make your sewing experience a little less frustrating than ours!

June 12, 2011

Bible Reading List- Week #10

Happy Sunday, friends!  This week's reading list is a continuation of last week's, but alters on Tuesday as we'll be in the book of Ruth.

Sunday- 1 Corinthians 3-4
Monday- Genesis 36-39
Tuesday- Ruth
Wednesday- Psalms 27-29
Thursday- Job 19-20
Friday- Isaiah 51-55
Saturday- Matthew 26-28

While I have your attention, I also want to share another one of my (new) favorite songs, While I'm Waiting, by John Waller.  If you have a minute or two, please take the time to listen, as you won't regret it!  :)

June 8, 2011


I have to say its been one of THOSE days...

I went to bed a bit late last night, and just as I was falling asleep realized that I really NEEDED to wash a load of whites, as I anticipated going into the office in the morning and frankly had nothing to wear.  With that, I got up early, tossed a load in the wash, went back to bed for a bit, then tossed the load into the dryer and got in the shower to get ready to go into work (the architecture firm that I've done some work for in the past has additional consulting work for me to do- score!).  Called into the office at 9am (after I was dressed and had straightened my hair!) to see what time I was wanted, when I found out that they really weren't ready for me to come in today, so it was rescheduled for Monday morning.  It wasn't that big of a deal, but I DID straighten my hair for the occasion, and that takes some time!  :)

Since 9am or so I've been spot cleaning the carpet in the dining room, hallway, and my sewing studio as we'll just say that my Momma's lab had an upset stomach last night- ugh!  So disgusting!  My Momma did what she could before she left the house for work, but since I'm home (and kind of want to sew), I've taken over the cleaning duties.  Let's just say, the lab might turn into an outside dog for the next couple of days.

Okay, so that brings me to 1pm or so...the mail came and unfortunately my new (and desperately needed) sewing tags did not appear.  I'm optimistic that they'll show up sometime this week, and until they do I'm holding out on finishing up a handful of Coffee Burlap Tote Bags, as I'm fresh out of sewing tags (and really am over making them by hand!).  I did however get two boxes of business cards from Vista Print, which came MUCH faster than anticipated.  The last time I ordered business cards was from Overnight Prints, and I have to say that I think their quality is much better than Vista Print...lesson learned.

Tired of me complaining yet?  Hehehehe  Well, that's all I really have to share for now.  I'm off to work on my next tutorial for The Quilted Fish's blog, as I'm up on June 24th, and currently have nothing to show for myself!  I hope everyone has a great {and uneventful} Wednesday!  :)

June 7, 2011

Thread Catcher by Suzee!

It took me a while, but I have/had a genius idea (of course that's my humble opinion!)...why not post photos of completed Thread Catchers (or any other item made from one of my patterns!), sewn up by my sweet customers?  I absolutely LOVE receiving photos from my customers, as I always think its such a sweet compliment.

So, without further ado...my sweet friend, Suzee, of AppleHead Threads {you might remember her name from this post} sent me a photo of her Thread Catcher (AND with the leftover fabric, she made her Momma a gift card/credit card wallet)!  It looks wonderful and I'm so thankful to have this opportunity to share her photo!

If you've made a Thread Catcher and/or Diaper Pod from one of my patterns, I would LOVE to feature your completed project!  Please send your name, photo, and a link to your blog and/or shop to squirmywormstudio@gmail.com!  Easy as that, folks!!!  :)

June 6, 2011

Sunday Snapshots!

We had a couple of canine visitors (my sister's pups) over the weekend, and let me tell you, out of all of the rooms in the house, the sewing studio was THE place to be.  My Momma and I started the trend by spending the afternoon sewing.  She worked on a cute clutch (photos and pattern review to follow later this week), and I was busy sewing up a couple of Diaper Pods.

Rocky, Stuart, and Maggie...it looks like we were conducting a doggie lineup (in the smallest room in the house!!!)!  

Oh, and just in case you noticed the Raggedy Ann and Andy towel in the background...that's what I use for my wet towel when adhering fusible interfacing.  :)

While the lineup was in progress, sweet Miss Sophie decided that she'd rather snuggle with my sewing chair.


The gang watching my Momma work.  :)

June 5, 2011

Bible Reading List- Week #9

Happy Sunday!  I hope that everyone had a fantastic weekend!  This week's reading list is a continuation of last week's, but also introduces 1 Corinthians!...

Sunday- 1 Corinthians 1-2
Monday- Genesis 32-35
Tuesday- Judges 17-21
Wednesday- Psalms 24-26
Thursday- Job 17-18
Friday- Isaiah 45-50
Saturday- Matthew 23-25

While I have your attention, I also want to share one of my (new) favorite songs, To God Alone, by Aaron Shust.  If you have a minute or two, please take the time to listen, as you won't regret it!  :)

I'll see you back here next Sunday for week #10!  :)

June 3, 2011

Mug Rug Tutorial!

Happy Friday, friends!  I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!  I'm so excited to announce that the Brooke of Silly Mama Quilts (Blog and Etsy shop), is kicking off the second round of tutorials for The Quilted Fish.  This round of tutorials will all be made from Amanda's Sugar and Spice fabric (which I LOVE!!!).

Okay, first up is Brooke's Mug Rug tutorial!  If by chance you were at Quilt Market and stopped by The Quilted Fish's booth, these sweet Mug Rugs were displayed on the blue table, as part of the Mad Hatter Tea Party decor!  In my opinion, the Mug Rugs are so sweet and such a fun addition to your morning coffee/tea time (or MY Diet Coke time!).  They are also a great project to practice your quilt binding techniques, and can totally be completed in an hour or two!

June 2, 2011

Dreaming Big!

I first got behind a sewing machine in fourth grade.  My mom enrolled my sister and I in after school sewing lessons, at the local quilt shop.  Every week we would show up with our sewing basket stock full of supplies, and pattern in hand.  My mom would leave and the teacher, sweet and ever so patient Mrs. Dietz (sp?) would take over.  My wardrobe was full of handmade reversible vests (they were in style- I swear), one-piece pant jump suits, and way too many sunflower printed garments (I wish I had a picture to share with all!). 

You may wonder where I'm going with this walk down memory lane.  Well, with all of my free time (aka, 11 months of unemployment!), on occasion I still wonder what I want to be when I grow up.  I know, I know, I'm 28, with a college degree, and frankly I should already know who I am, and what I'll be doing for the rest of my life, but life happens and interests change.

Lately opening an after school sewing studio for children is on my list of what I want to do.  Having the ability to inspire young girls to be the next generation of quilters and seamstresses would be such an honor!  Opening a brick and mortar quilt shop is always something that's in the back of my head.  In addition, the possibility of being a fabric sales rep has been brought to my attention by my sweet mentor.  Who know what God's plan for my life looks like.  As of now I'm just waiting patiently and trying to make the most out of my free time, as I know when I go back to work my creative time will diminish.

What do you want to be when YOU grow up???  :)