June 28, 2011

Answered Prayers!

I'm learning that patience is key.  I have to say that I've never been a very patient person.  I've never really had to wait for much, and at times I think I equate patience with boredom as I'd rather be overloaded with work than sit idle.  I've digressed a bit, but I hope you get where I'm coming from.

This past weekend was a BIG weekend for Squirmy Worm Studio.  Friday was the one year anniversary of when I lost my job.  It seems weird to equate an anniversary with unemployment, as its not oh so joyful, but it is what it is.  I really can't believe its been a year.  Sure I've enjoyed hours of Hoda and Kathie Lee (that one's for you Sherri!) and of course my afternoon indulgence of Let's Make A Deal (they give out some awesome prizes!), but I've really spent the majority of my time building my business.  Friday afternoon as I was driving home from the local quilt shop I received an awesome email...a wholesale order for two of my patterns (Diaper Wristlet and Thread Catcher).  Yep, that's right, my patterns are now for sale at Tall Mouse Crafts & Fabric!  :)  Definitely an answered prayer, AND exactly a year from when I was let go!  God has a great plan for my life, and I'm more than happy to be on this ride!


  1. Wonderful, wonderful news!! He does indeed have great plans, watch and see all that He has planned for you!!

  2. wonderful perspective. press on!! xo
    see you at blog sugar!

  3. That is AWESOME!

    Can't wait to meet you at Blog Sugar!!!

  4. Yay for your answered prayer. See you at Blog Sugar!

  5. Congratulations! I can totally relate to your patience and unemployment dilemmas. I too was unemployed for a year and wondered why my prayers weren't being answered. Finally a decent opportunity came along and I have been on a new journey. And it's been a truly interesting journey. Not always the best, but very interesting. I often think back and thank God for not answering my prayers when I wanted them answered. Again congratulations and continued success to you.

  6. Oh Candace I am so very happy for you! It is wonderful news that your patterns are being picked up by Tall Mouse. God works in wonderful ways. I so enjoyed meeting you on the last day of the Southern California Quilter's Run at Fresh Picked Fabrics/Cranberry Quiltworks. :)


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