June 6, 2011

Sunday Snapshots!

We had a couple of canine visitors (my sister's pups) over the weekend, and let me tell you, out of all of the rooms in the house, the sewing studio was THE place to be.  My Momma and I started the trend by spending the afternoon sewing.  She worked on a cute clutch (photos and pattern review to follow later this week), and I was busy sewing up a couple of Diaper Pods.

Rocky, Stuart, and Maggie...it looks like we were conducting a doggie lineup (in the smallest room in the house!!!)!  

Oh, and just in case you noticed the Raggedy Ann and Andy towel in the background...that's what I use for my wet towel when adhering fusible interfacing.  :)

While the lineup was in progress, sweet Miss Sophie decided that she'd rather snuggle with my sewing chair.


The gang watching my Momma work.  :)


  1. Aww. I'm glad all the cousins and auntie get along. Such cute pictures...

  2. I love the way all the dogs are lined up by size!

  3. it's a dog party. this is too cute!

  4. I just love your sewing chair. It's so cute!

  5. Well you have the models available, now you need a canine product line!! Start with the large dog line as Maggie loves freebies.

    The studio looks great!


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