May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Festivities!

I hope everyone had a great (and safe) Memorial Day! I spent the morning with my Momma at Disneyland, where we arrived at 8am when it opened to avoid the lines. I hated the idea of getting up so early on my day off, but it sure did pay off (big time). We tackled Disneyland first, and then went over to California Adventure when it opened at 10am, by noon we were on the tram to the parking structure! :) Here are a couple highlights of today's trip...

Space Ranger 2 (aka my Momma) was on a mission! :)

After a year plus, we were finally able to get a photo of the envelope and balloons!

All of the characters hang out in Toon Town! :)

After Disneyland we did a little fabric shopping and then I came home to spend the afternoon with Mr. D and Stuart! :) I'd love to hear how you spent your Memorial Day...

May 26, 2010

Silhouette of Stuart...

I'm so excited to announce that I'm working with my new blog friend Lindsay (you might remember her from my Etsy Artist Feature Week!) on a silhouette painting guessed it, Stuart! :) Lindsay has an Etsy shop full of original paintings for childern, nurseries, and she also does custom orders. I have to say that I've been a secret admirer of her work since I laid eyes on her owls. I'm not sure if I prefer the girl owls or the boys, but this one is pretty darn cute!

Baby Stu...approximately 2.5 years ago!

A semi-recent (and probably my favorite) photo of Stu!

I sure do love that mini schnauzer, and with a face like his, how could you not? :)
Are you a dog lover, if so what kind do you have?

May 25, 2010

Etsy Craft Party- 6/18/10

It's official as Etsy turns another year older on June 18th- woo hoo! With that did you see the mention of the Etsy Craft Party (an opportunity to connect with your local art, craft, and design community to celebrate creativity!) on the Storque earlier this week? Etsy has teamed up with, where anyone can start an Etsy Craft Party Meetup or attend an existing Craft Party.

Etsy and the party sponsors announced that they will send a box of Etsy promos, coupons, gift certificates, supplies, and surprises to the 50 locations with the most RSVPs! I've always been one that is easily motivated by a dangling carrot! :)

I've checked the map on and there are a couple Parties setup for around my area. I'm thinking of finding out more information, or perhaps maybe even step up and be an organizer. Is anyone else thinking of participating?

PS- You don't need to have an Etsy account to participate, as it is just an opportunity to get to know others while having fun and being creative! :)

May 24, 2010

A Blackberry Crisp Kind of Monday!

I just got home from a Tupperware party, which makes for a long Monday! I'm not ashamed to say that the big draw of tonight's Tupperware party was the dessert...Blackberry Crisp (a la microwave- oh yeah!). I don't have the recipe right in front of me, but the crisp (bag of frozen blackberries, half a bag of yellow or white cake mix, half a stick of butter, and Tupperware's cinnamon vanilla spice mix) was microwaved in the lid of the mighty purple stack cooker! A portion of the Blackberry Crisp served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream will win over anyone! Yummy!

Right now I'm feeling just like Stuart looks in the photo below...its off to bed I go!

PS- I made my first Etsy sale today! I've been doing my happy dance since I received the email early this morning! :) A big thank you to my very first buyer (you know who you are...)!!!

May 23, 2010

Sunday...aka Laundry Day

It's no secret to my family and friends that I'm not a fan of laundry! Luckily, I have a large enough wardrobe that warrants not doing laundry weekly (or perhaps I should word it that I'm a pro at making what I have last as long as needed)- whew! ;) With that being said, I spent the better half of today tackling my laundry pile which resulted in five loads of my laundry and one load of house laundry (sheets, towels, etc.). In an attempt to free up precious weekend time, I want to share an article with all, one that my momma kindly sent to me last week.

Side note- I'm a fan of the Real Simple magazine, as it always has such great recipes and useful tips for things/tasks around the house. If you're not a subscriber to the magazine, don't fret as you can still access some great information from their website!

Okay, back to the daunting task of laundry! There are a couple great tips from the article that I think I might try to implement, as creating a weekly laundry schedule will save me from spending ALL day on Sundays doing laundry, thus freeing up more family and sewing time- yeah! I also love the suggestion to hang most of one's clothes, rather than folding- I wish...I would need a couple closets if I attempted that! ;)

I actually do have a quick and funny (slightly embarrassing) story regarding laundry. I spent a year during college living in Florence, Italy, where I had to hang my laundry, as dryers are not the norm. I was renting an apartment on the third floor, and the clothes line was over the first floor tenant's courtyard. One day I was busy hanging up my undergarments to dry when the unthinkable happened...I lost grip on one (undergarment) and watched it plummet to the floor of the courtyard. I was so embarrassed!!! Later that week I got home from school to find my undergarment hanging on the banister of the first floor- again I was so horrified! Looking back it's all quite funny- thankfully! (I'm not quite sure why I shared that story with the just kind of came out.) :)

Okay, enough funny stories for one night! Do you do your laundry all in one day, or spread it throughout the week?

May 22, 2010

Saturday Sewing...

Happy Saturday all! Just a quick announcement as two new Diaper Pods/Summer Clutches have been added to the shop- woo hoo! Both are made from Moda's Freebird collection (love it!).

Details- Moda's Freebird and Oz collections (Freebird Ivory Flower and Oz Dots Green).

Details- Moda's Freebird collection (Freebird Garden Nest and Freebird Eggs Nest).

I have the perfect green cardigan to go with the first Diaper Pod/Summer Clutch, and a great white t-shirt and jean combo that will compliment the second. Which one is your favorite?

May 21, 2010

South Dakota...I Need You!

I'm rather new to Google Analytics (GA), as I've only been using it for a month or so (well actually 3 weeks or so as one Friday evening I spent some time working on my blog layout and unknowingly erased the GA code from my blog- oops!). :)

Google Analytics is an awesome tool that tracks visits (as a whole and breaks it down by hour, day, week and month!), maps where the visits are from (hence the map above), and how your visitors reached your site blog and/or Etsy shop (among many other functions!). I always look forward to review my stats, although I'm still not always 100% sure of what I'm looking at...ha! I do know that my blog has been visited my individuals in 49 states and 30 very exciting!

If you're not signed up with Google Analytics, go ahead and do it- it's free and we can learn the ropes together! :)

PS- If you have any friends and/or family in South Dakota, will you please pass along my blog address, as I would love to seem them represent! :) Happy Friday all!

May 20, 2010

Winner, Winner...Is It You???

Thank you so much for everyone stopping by! I read each and everyone of your comments and am so thankful for the kind words and suggestions! If I could have responded to each comment I would have, but instead I'll just have to take some time to visit you...wherever your little piece of webspace may be! :)

Enough chitter chatter...drumroll please! The winner of the Erin McMorris and Amy Butler Diaper Pod is number....90 (which happens to be a popular number today- total coincidence!)!!!

Congratulations to Tara who said...
I hope everyone sticks around, as I'll continually post to my blog, Squirmy Worm Studio's Facebook page, and add to the shop!

PS- there is still one Erin McMorris and Amy Butler Diaper Pod in the shop...just don't fight over it, as I would hate to cause a worldwide web uproar! ;)

Yeah For 90!

Wowie...I just looked over at my Followers tally and we're up to 90! Do you think we can make to 100 before the giveaway ends tonight??? I'll keep my fingers crossed! :)

May 19, 2010

Thank You All!

More Pics @

The giveaway is still open until tomorrow evening (so there is plenty of time to still enter)! In the mean time I just wanted to take a minute to thank you all for your comments, for following my blog, and being my fan on Facebook- you guys are amazing!!!

Note- I've had some complications with Blogger today regarding comment moderation. I've disabled the comment moderation until the giveaway is over, hopefully preventing any further complications. I've tried my best to contact everyone whose comment got lost in webspace- if I missed you, please feel free to resubmit your comment.

May 17, 2010

Giveaway Day Is Here!

This giveaway is now closed. Thank you for your participation!

Welcome Sew Mama Sew friends! I participated in Sew Mam Sew's second Giveaway Day in December '09, and had such a great time doing so that I've been eagerly awaiting another opportunity to participate in...GIVEAWAY DAY!!!

Today I'm giving away a stylish Diaper Pod (Squirmy Worm Studio's version of a diaper clutch!), which is made of 100% cotton fabric from Erin McMorris's Sophie's Garden and Amy Butler's Midwest Modern collections.

The featured Diaper Pod is an essential (and stylish!) carry all for the on-the-go mom. Diaper Pods measure approximately 10" wide x 6.5" tall, with a 1.25" box bottom. Diaper Pods are constructed with a layer of interfacing, which helps keep its shape, as well as a layer of quilt batting. Diaper Pods are top stitched, fasten with a velcro closure, and have a generous 5" handle.

Diaper Pods were specially designed to hold a travel wipes case, 2-3 diapers, and a tube of diaper cream. Diaper Pods are a great solution for short outings when a whole diaper bag is not necessary. Diaper Pods can also be kept in your diaper bag as an organizational tool, keeping diapers crisp and clean.

Diaper Pods can also double as a cute summer clutch- the possibilities are endless!

1. Visit my {new} shop ( and let me know your favorite item, or an item you would like to see listed in my shop.

2. Become a follower of my blog.
(The button is located towards the bottom of the right-hand column.)

3. Become a Fan of Squirmy Worm Studio on Facebook.
(An easy way to stay up-to-date with all of Squirmy Worm Studio's happenings, by being the first to know about sales and new products!)

There are 3 possible entries, so please be sure to leave a separate comment for each entry, and make sure there is a way for me to contact you (leave your email address in your comment if you don't have a blog or if you post as Anonymous, as I need to be able to contact you when you win!).

This giveaway will close the evening of Thursday, May 20th, and is open to US residents only.

Winners will be selected via


May 14, 2010


It's been a long time coming, but finally I'm able to announce that Squirmy Worm Studio has arrived on Etsy (go on...follow the link and see for yourself)! I'm continuing to build my inventory and will add merchandise upon check back frequently!

Etsy Artist Feature week was such a success, and what better way to kick off my Etsy Grand Opening than getting to know such talented ladies! Thank you all for participating- you made my Grand Opening that much more special! :)

I'll see you back here Monday for a May 17th is Sew Mama Sew's May Giveaway Day- yeah!!!

Etsy Artist Feature #5- The Chubby Dove

Please tell us a little about yourself- name, location, what do you like to do for fun?
The Chubby Dove is located in Raleigh, NC. I'm a pastor's wife and SAHM of two boys who plans to home school next year. I've been known to forget to eat while working in my studio and occasionally have trouble sleeping due to the creative juices that flow 24 hours a day. For fun, I like to relax on the beach, play basketball with my hubby and sons, decorate our home and help others decorate theirs.

What is your shop’s name and URL? What do you sell? Do you have a favorite item?
The Chubby Dove's blog is:
Find The Chubby Dove on Etsy at
The Chubby Dove's official website is:

How did your shop’s name come about?
I've always loved birds, but the name "The Chubby Dove" originated with my favorite aunt who recently died of cancer. When her three girls were young she made up a song about a little chubby dove on a wire and sang it to them quite often. I officially started my business shortly before she passed. She was very supportive and excited for me. I like to think of this as my little way of honoring her.

What inspires you to create?
I'm inspired by nature, family, color, animals (living with three men, sometimes it feels like that all blends together).

What made you decide to open up a shop on Etsy?
I found out about Etsy through another vendor at a show. At the time, I was selling my wares in local boutiques and on my website. I went home that night and opened up an Etsy shop. I'm proud to be part of Etsy Kids and CAST (Christian Artists Street Team).

What is the one word that describes you best?

If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?
Hawaii. I've never been, but really I would love to just be on a beach somewhere. As long as I can see and hear the ocean and stick my feet in the sand.

Do you have any words of wisdom for newbie sellers?
Don't give up. There have been lots of times when I've tried to throw in the towel. But a few hours go by and I'm right back in my studio whipping up something new. I believe God gives us talents and when you're flowing in what you were designed to do...there's no better feeling!

A great big thank you to The Chubby Dove and to all of the ladies that willingly participated in my first Etsy Artist Feature Week! :)

May 13, 2010

Etsy Artist Feature #4- Pins + Paper Online

Please tell us a little about yourself- name, location, what do you like to do for fun?
Kristen: I'm a Navy wife and a full time artist with a degree in Art Education from Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro. My work is my hobby and my hobby is my work, you could say, and I enjoy every minute of it. I specialize in bookbinding and painting.

Katie: From Pulaski, Tn. Like to ride our motorcycle with my hubbie.

What is your shop’s name and URL? What do you sell? Do you have a favorite item? We offer handmade desk accessories in bright and fun designer fabrics.

Kristen's favorite item: Our soon to premier- origami photo albums.

Katie's favorite item:
The Grab and Go Tote bag with pockets all around the outside of the tote.

How did your shop’s name come about?
Since it's a team effort, Kristen doing the bookbinding and Katie doing all the sewing, we wanted a store name that described both sides of our crafts: Kristen works with mostly paper and Katie mostly with sewing pins.

What inspires you to create?
Kristen: I'm inspired to create these desk accessories because of the lack of variety in feminine looking office goods. Shops like Vera Bradley, Paper Source, and Russell + Hazel are my true inspirations for how I design my products. All of the products in our shop is made from 100% cotton fabric, and even the fabric itself is an inspiration for branding our shop.

I love the challenge to work with my hands and see what I can stretch myself to accomplish.

What made you decide to open up a shop on Etsy?
Kristen: Ever since I learned bookbinding, I've had an Etsy shop to sell my creations as Flyleaf Books. Selling online offers such a wide audience for your work and so many opportunities that sometimes local venues cannot offer. I still attend shows and get into boutiques where I can as move around but when I became a Navy wife a year after opening up, I knew selling online would have to be main focus as I moved across the country. I decided to open P+P with my sister Katie when an idea for simple drawstring bags for my books bloomed into a whole new business.

It's a great opportunity to have a business from home and make a name for yourself.

What is the one word that describes you best?
Kristen: Fun-loving.

Katie: Dedicated.

If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?
Kristen: It's a toss up between Alaska and Italy. I would love to visit both via a romantic cruise.

Always wanted to visit the European countries.

Do you have any words of wisdom for newbie sellers?
1. Know where your money is really going, use this knowledge to price your items appropriately.
2. Keep it fresh and unique, as there's always a problem that can be solved your revolutionary product idea.
3. Great Customer Service is King, but Great Branding Design is Queen.
4. Be involved online to connect with your customers in unique ways that appeals to your shop's audience: Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Flickr, etc.

Don't give up trying. Make a goal and strive for it. Always follow your passions and they will in the end, blossom.

A big thank you to Kristen and Katie for participating in my first Etsy Artist Feature Week! :) When you have a spare minute or two, stop by Kristen and Katie's blog and say hello!

I'll meet you back here tomorrow for Etsy Artist Feature #5!

May 12, 2010

Etsy Artist Feature #3- True Love Found

Please tell us a little about yourself- name, location, what do you like to do for fun?
Hello! Its Amy coming to you from central Florida. Fun for us is pretty easy, anything to do with the beach, friends, and family.

What is your shop’s name and URL? What do you sell? Do you have a favorite item?
My little corner of Etsy is True Love Found {}. I create custom crowns for birthdays, holiday's and just plain dress up fun. Picking a favorite item is hard, being a little bias here, but I think all my creations are one of kind and pretty darn cute!

How did your shop’s name come about?
What's in a name? True Love Found, comes from my favorite Cinderella book my daughter has. There is a page when Cinderella and the Prince meet that just reads, "In silence love found them." To make it a little more my own I added true. Hence, True Love Found. Oh how fairy tales do take us to a land far far away...

What inspires you to create?
My kids first and foremost. But in close second would be all the creative Mommas out there that reach out to me to work on a piece that is special for their little one. I love helping Moms complete that vision they have had in their mind.

What made you decide to open up a shop on Etsy?
My daughter was going to be starting preschool and I was pregnant with number 2. I knew I wanted to do something at home and have fun. So one day while playing dress up, it kind of just hit me. I can make super cute personalized crowns. So I started that day playing around with different shapes and ideas.

What is the one word that describes you best?
Sponge {I know that sounds weird but really I love to learn. I love reading and exploring. So I think sponge is the best word for that!}.

If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?
I have had the honor and privilege to travel to South Africa, and hope to go back one day soon. So that's where you would find me!

Do you have any words of wisdom for newbie sellers?
I think first thing I would say would be if you like what you are making then there will be someone else out there that would like it also. So find those people. If you have a item related to a certain category ie birthday parties, reach out to party bloggers. Get your name out there. And do not be afraid to ask other to help with that process. Blog features, giveaways, and of other blurbs you can get. Trading is another awesome venue. It can be such a win win. If you find another store you would like to trade with, ask, what is the worst they can say no?! Then if they have a blog, FB fan page, and/or Twitter ask if you can each do a write up. I have gotten A LOT of contacts and friends out of doing this. Its a great way to promote your shop with out having to pay for Ad fees!

Sending hugs and kisses across the blogging world!

A big thank you to Amy for participating in my first Etsy Artist Feature Week! :) Make sure to swing by her blog for some great reading and darling photos!

I'll meet you back here tomorrow for Etsy Artist Feature #4!

May 11, 2010

Etsy Artist Feature #2- Monika Design

Please tell us a little about yourself- name, location, what do you like to do for fun?
My name is Monika. I was born in the Czech Republic, and I have lived in Florida for about 10 years with my son. After my divorce I returned to all the hobbies that I used to do back in the day. My main hobbies are knitting, crochet, photography, reading and my personal favorite- the art of food. I love making and preparing food that catches people's attention, food that you almost feel sorry to eat ( and I love jogging on the beach. :)

What is your shop’s name and URL? What do you sell? Do you have a favorite item?
I like to crochet and I sell crocheted coasters, hot pads, bowls and bath items. I love my apple coasters :)

How did your shop’s name come about?
I wanted my shop's name to be my name; it is nothing special but I like it :)

What inspires you to create?
I specialize in crochet along with anything that has to do with home decor. Currently I try to get my ideas from the nature, such as flowers, trees, animals and anything simple, yet beautiful in the world.

What made you decide to open up a shop on Etsy?
Many of my friends told me I should sell my items. I found Etsy and 1 year ago I opened my shop. I had my first year anniversary on April 2010.

What is the one word that describes you best?
Ooooh...I think I'm a very creative person...CREATIVE :)

If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?
Australia, New Zeland and Tibet.

Do you have any words of wisdom for newbie sellers?
Actually I'm a newbie; I've been selling on Etsy 1 year. I love Etsy and I have had a great experience. I'm thinking about my shop on Etsy all the time. I read the Etsy forums and Etsy blog. I learn every day something new. I think if you love what you are doing, you don't need any advice.

A big thank you to Monika for participating in my first Etsy Artist Feature Week! :)

I'll meet you back here tomorrow for Etsy Artist Feature #3!

May 10, 2010

Etsy Artist Feature #1- Paint Me A Picture

Please tell us a little about yourself- name, location, what do you like to do for fun?
Well hello. My name is Lindsay, I live in a very small town in Georgia, and currently my idea of a good time is taking a nap {I have a 15 month old and am 6 months pregnant - sleep sounds like a party to me}.

What is your shop’s name and URL? What do you sell? Do you have a favorite item?
I have a shop - Paint Me a Picture and I sell hand painted art for nurseries, children's rooms, wall art and personalized designs. My current favorite item is the Turquoise & Gray Damask canvas- I love the unique colors and design.

How did your shop’s name come about?
I have been creating art for friends and locally for about six years now. Two years ago when I was preparing for a holiday market I decided I needed a name for my work and the first thing I came up with was "Paint Me a Picture" you see, it stuck.

What inspires you to create?
I am a very visual person. I don't do well with reading directions - I love photography and graphic design so most of my inspiration comes from what I see that really catches my eye whether it be a commercial, scrapbook paper, fabric, a website, etc.

What made you decide to open up a shop on Etsy?
Living in a small town doesn't always provide for a chance to share my work, so after hearing some friends talk about Etsy I decided to check it out. To my surprise I didn't see much paintings for children that were like the things I created, so a year ago I decided to become an Etsy member and in August of 2009 I actually opened up my shop.

What is the one word that describes you best?
Ha! I don't think there is single word.

If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?
I dream to one day visit Napa Valley and Italy - once my children are a little older and I am not pregnant :)

Do you have any words of wisdom for newbie sellers?
Have FUN and know your limits...oh, and take good pictures of your products! I am serious, for visual shoppers like me, things that catch my eye may end up in my cart, and that is a sale for you.

A big thank you to Lindsay for participating in my first Etsy Artist Feature Week. For those of you that are in love with Lindsay's paintings (like I am!), make sure to stop by her blog to say hi! :)

I'll meet you back here tomorrow for Etsy Artist Feature #2!

May 9, 2010

2010 May Giveaway Day!

Sew Mama Sew announced last week that they are coordinating their second May Giveaway Day- wahoo! Monday, May 17th is THE DAY, so mark your calendars as Sew Mama Sew will publish a master list of all of the shops and blogs that are giving something away. The list will be left up for several days, allowing readers to browse at their leisure.

Made With Love and Squirmy Worm Studio will be participating, as I had a wonderful time doing so in last year's December edition! Now I'm off to figure out what I'm giving away...a set of burp cloths or a diaper clutch? :)

I'm One Lucky Girl...

Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful Momma!!!

Mom and I at Senor Frog's- September 2010

May 8, 2010

Etsy Artist Feature Week...

In preparation of Squirmy Worm Studio's Grand Opening, next week will be Etsy Artist Feature Week here at Made With Love! Starting Monday I will have a little Q&A session with Etsy Artists (and these ladies aren't just the everyday Etsy Artist, as they shine!). The week end's grand finale will be Squirmy Worm Studio's Grand Opening- are you excited, because I sure am!

I hope to see you back here Monday- you won't want to miss it (trust me!). I'm off to sew...

May 5, 2010

5 de Mayo

Tonight my kitchen morphed into taco-esque eatery, as it is 5 de Mayo! :) I made salsa with the help of Tupperware's Quick Chef and Southwest Chipotle Seasoning Blend- yum!

For the main course I fried up some taquitos- which were absolutely delicious. I'll be the first to admit that we usually bake taquitos in our house (as its healthy and all- he he he!), but with it being 5 de Mayo I decided to go all out! The taquitos were delicious and brought me back to my childhood as my grandparents volunteered every summer making taquitos at a local fair/festival, which served as a fundraiser for church (I was a long time ago!). Good times, memories, and food! :)

I hope you had a great 5 de Mayo- did you do anything special...perhaps try a new recipe or two?