May 14, 2010

Etsy Artist Feature #5- The Chubby Dove

Please tell us a little about yourself- name, location, what do you like to do for fun?
The Chubby Dove is located in Raleigh, NC. I'm a pastor's wife and SAHM of two boys who plans to home school next year. I've been known to forget to eat while working in my studio and occasionally have trouble sleeping due to the creative juices that flow 24 hours a day. For fun, I like to relax on the beach, play basketball with my hubby and sons, decorate our home and help others decorate theirs.

What is your shop’s name and URL? What do you sell? Do you have a favorite item?
The Chubby Dove's blog is:
Find The Chubby Dove on Etsy at
The Chubby Dove's official website is:

How did your shop’s name come about?
I've always loved birds, but the name "The Chubby Dove" originated with my favorite aunt who recently died of cancer. When her three girls were young she made up a song about a little chubby dove on a wire and sang it to them quite often. I officially started my business shortly before she passed. She was very supportive and excited for me. I like to think of this as my little way of honoring her.

What inspires you to create?
I'm inspired by nature, family, color, animals (living with three men, sometimes it feels like that all blends together).

What made you decide to open up a shop on Etsy?
I found out about Etsy through another vendor at a show. At the time, I was selling my wares in local boutiques and on my website. I went home that night and opened up an Etsy shop. I'm proud to be part of Etsy Kids and CAST (Christian Artists Street Team).

What is the one word that describes you best?

If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?
Hawaii. I've never been, but really I would love to just be on a beach somewhere. As long as I can see and hear the ocean and stick my feet in the sand.

Do you have any words of wisdom for newbie sellers?
Don't give up. There have been lots of times when I've tried to throw in the towel. But a few hours go by and I'm right back in my studio whipping up something new. I believe God gives us talents and when you're flowing in what you were designed to do...there's no better feeling!

A great big thank you to The Chubby Dove and to all of the ladies that willingly participated in my first Etsy Artist Feature Week! :)


  1. Such a happy blog and a wonderful interview with your featured artist. I'm now one of your new followers. :)

  2. Great Interview & Cute blog.

    Please follow & Comment my blog back?


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