May 10, 2010

Etsy Artist Feature #1- Paint Me A Picture

Please tell us a little about yourself- name, location, what do you like to do for fun?
Well hello. My name is Lindsay, I live in a very small town in Georgia, and currently my idea of a good time is taking a nap {I have a 15 month old and am 6 months pregnant - sleep sounds like a party to me}.

What is your shop’s name and URL? What do you sell? Do you have a favorite item?
I have a shop - Paint Me a Picture and I sell hand painted art for nurseries, children's rooms, wall art and personalized designs. My current favorite item is the Turquoise & Gray Damask canvas- I love the unique colors and design.

How did your shop’s name come about?
I have been creating art for friends and locally for about six years now. Two years ago when I was preparing for a holiday market I decided I needed a name for my work and the first thing I came up with was "Paint Me a Picture" you see, it stuck.

What inspires you to create?
I am a very visual person. I don't do well with reading directions - I love photography and graphic design so most of my inspiration comes from what I see that really catches my eye whether it be a commercial, scrapbook paper, fabric, a website, etc.

What made you decide to open up a shop on Etsy?
Living in a small town doesn't always provide for a chance to share my work, so after hearing some friends talk about Etsy I decided to check it out. To my surprise I didn't see much paintings for children that were like the things I created, so a year ago I decided to become an Etsy member and in August of 2009 I actually opened up my shop.

What is the one word that describes you best?
Ha! I don't think there is single word.

If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?
I dream to one day visit Napa Valley and Italy - once my children are a little older and I am not pregnant :)

Do you have any words of wisdom for newbie sellers?
Have FUN and know your limits...oh, and take good pictures of your products! I am serious, for visual shoppers like me, things that catch my eye may end up in my cart, and that is a sale for you.

A big thank you to Lindsay for participating in my first Etsy Artist Feature Week. For those of you that are in love with Lindsay's paintings (like I am!), make sure to stop by her blog to say hi! :)

I'll meet you back here tomorrow for Etsy Artist Feature #2!


  1. I love Lindsay's art! So creative! :]

  2. loved getting to know lindsay even more! :) she is such a sweetheart!


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