September 29, 2011

The Sewing Summit!

The Sewing Summit

I'm excited to announce that next Friday I'll be headed to Salt Lake City to attend The Sewing Summit, a modern sewing and blogging conference! I'm excited but also terrified, as I'm attending the conference solo.

I found out about the conference on Monday (I must live under a rock, as registration has been underway for months!), and after two days of deep thought I decided to take a plunge.  I'm not the most outgoing person (in fact I'm terribly shy!), but I feel the need to attend, to spend time out of my comfort zone, and to make the most out of the time I'm surrounded by wonderfully creative souls.  It's about time I push myself, and I think that The Sewing Summit is the perfect venue!  :)

Is anyone else attending The Sewing Summit??? 

September 27, 2011

Blog Sugar Recap!

Blog Sugar was fantastic!  I met so many fantastic women, made new friends, and have a handful of new blogs that I'm following (and am SO excited to catch up on the reading!).  Not to mention that they had a...

Photo Booth

Cotton Candy, AND

a Dessert Bar!!!

I know that you're all dying for photos, so here we go! 

The banquet hall was decorated in pink and orange (my favorite color!).  The tables were adorned with beautiful flowers, and each centerpiece had a BIG fun balloon.

Each place setting was adorned with a mini sprinkled donut.  I'm absolutely in love with anything mini!  :)

The evening was broken up into three sessions, which we had all pre-registered for.  I was stoked to have the opportunity to participate in the following sessions:

1- Laura Wiertzema's 'Cultivating Your Own Personal Style' (Fashion, Design, Style, Life and the art of capturing it all)
2- Sarah Markley's 'Carving Out Your Space' (Finding your unique niche in blogging while connecting with your readers)
3- Gussy's 'The Art of Growing A Business' (Utilizing Social Media to take your business to the next level)

Before, during, and after the sessions the dessert bar was open.  They had SO many treats to choose from!  Here are just a few...

Yes, those are mini donuts on top of chocolate cupcakes!!!

I think that these Lemon Tartlets were the start of the night!

My sweet friend Kara and I!  I'm so thankful that we went together, as there was no way that I would have survived alone (I am way TOO shy and quiet for these type of events!).  :)

I had the chance to meet and chat with Casey!  Let me tell you, she is beautiful, so very sweet, and truly genuine!  I'm so thankful to have met her in this crazy blog world!  :)

Last but not least, here's a photo of Gussy and I.  When Kara and I arrived we set our purses down on chairs, and unbeknown to us, Gussy had also set her bag down on a chair at our table.  It was such a pleasure to be able to chat with her over dinner!

Have you ever met any of your blog friends in real life???

September 25, 2011

The Day Has Come!

I'm getting ready to leave for Blog Sugar in a couple hours and I am SO nervous!  Well technically I'm nervous, excited, scared, antsy, stressed...sounds like fun, doesn't it!?!  I've had much anxiety leading up to today, as I'm a bit socially awkward (the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem- right?).  I'm inherently super shy and quiet, until I get to know someone and open up, thus these types of events are always out of my comfort zone!  Thankfully my sweet friend Kara and I are carpooling to the event, which means I won't be the girl standing alone in the corner!  :)

Tomorrow I'll post a recap of the event, as I know it will be spectacular!

PS- Wish me luck, and if you're at Blog Sugar, please make sure to say hello!  :)

September 12, 2011

Fabric Organization...

I don't know how it happened, but I have officially become a fabric hoarder.  I have such hard time passing up a beautiful piece of fabric, and after I bring it home it seems as though I can never justify using the beautiful piece of fabric because then it would be GONE.  Its really an evil cycle as my fabric armoire ends up looking like this...


Please tell me that I'm not the only one that hoards fabric...its just what happens when you love to sew, right!?!    Okay, enough about hoarding, as I don't want to end up on TLC's hoarding documentaries any time soon!  :)

If you're willing to share, how do you store your fabric?  I've been thinking about purchasing some of these fabric organizers.  Does anyone use them?  Have they proved to be a good investment?

September 11, 2011

I Remember...

I'll be honest...I've sat down a couple of times to write this post and never thought my words were worthy.  

Do I remember where I was when I got the news?  Of course I do, and I doubt I will ever forget.  I was at home getting ready for my belated birthday celebration trip to Catalina Island.  We had reservations on the early ferry, so I was up before the sun, when my momma called from work, and told me to turn on the tv.  The live images were almost too much to watch, yet I couldn't stand the thought of turning off the tv.  I remember the instant ache in my heart, and then came the realization that the world was changing before me, that the world I grew up in was no more. 

On this day, and everyday, my heart goes out to the survivors, to those that lost loved ones, and to the men and women that have been on (and are on) the front lines.  May America continue to stay strong and be "one nation under God".

September 6, 2011

Busy Quilting Weekend!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful and productive Labor Day weekend!  I'm excited to be able to share two quilts that I finished over the long weekend.  The first quilt is this and this wedding quilt, for my sweet college friend.  Their wedding is on the 17th, and I am SO proud of myself that the quilt is done, as it is totally like me to procrastinate until the eleventh hour!  I keep looking at the quilt, and think that the bottom right gray rectangle needs some sort of personalization...I still have some time to play around- right?  :)

The second quilt I was able to bind and finish up is this brown and green quilt, from my very first quilting class, circa February 2009.  My Grandma B made aprons for my mom, aunt, sister, and I for Christmas 2008, and a couple days after Christmas we all found ourselves at a local quilt shop.  One thing lead to another, I bought my very own sewing machine, and February 2009 my mom, sister, and I enrolled in our first quilting class.  I love the colors of this quilt, and I am stoked to have finally finished it!  :)

Were you able to sew/scrapbook/paint/craft/create this weekend?  If so, I'd love to hear what you were working on!