September 6, 2011

Busy Quilting Weekend!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful and productive Labor Day weekend!  I'm excited to be able to share two quilts that I finished over the long weekend.  The first quilt is this and this wedding quilt, for my sweet college friend.  Their wedding is on the 17th, and I am SO proud of myself that the quilt is done, as it is totally like me to procrastinate until the eleventh hour!  I keep looking at the quilt, and think that the bottom right gray rectangle needs some sort of personalization...I still have some time to play around- right?  :)

The second quilt I was able to bind and finish up is this brown and green quilt, from my very first quilting class, circa February 2009.  My Grandma B made aprons for my mom, aunt, sister, and I for Christmas 2008, and a couple days after Christmas we all found ourselves at a local quilt shop.  One thing lead to another, I bought my very own sewing machine, and February 2009 my mom, sister, and I enrolled in our first quilting class.  I love the colors of this quilt, and I am stoked to have finally finished it!  :)

Were you able to sew/scrapbook/paint/craft/create this weekend?  If so, I'd love to hear what you were working on!


  1. I love those quilts. = ) love all the colors!

  2. Both quilts are lovely. I bet it feels so good to have that first quilt finished! I spent the weekend making a backpack for my daughter. It's her first year at preschool and I'm so stoked that she was happy to let her mama make her very first school backpack. And it turned out so cute!

  3. Such great finishes! Good job. I just finished a little runner and still felt very productive!

  4. Hooray!!! Love the wedding quilt!!!

  5. Gorgeous! the quilting is terrific on both!


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