August 31, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness

Have you ever been the recipient of a random act of kindness?  I was working at the local quilt shop (have I mentioned that I've been picking up hours at the shop?) on Monday, when sweet Kaye arrived to pick up the sample quilts that she had made.  We got to talking about life, family, and work...I  have to say that I wish I had more time to chat, as I really enjoyed her company!

Small detour...back to the quilt.  I was helping her gather her quilts, and mentioned that I loved her Paula Prass (Woodland Delight) quilt, when she handed it to me and told me it was mine.  It may seem silly, but I was almost in tears.  I've been gifted quilts before (thanks grandma!), but never as an act of kindness from a stranger.  I know how much time and money quilts take, and on the spur of the moment she made my week.  I don't know if Kaye reads my blog, but if you do...thank you again!  :) 


Are you ready for one more act of kindness?  One of the sweet quilters at the local quilt shop (its such a small world, I actually graduated high school with her daughter!) offered to teach me how to quilt...on her longarm.  Its always been something I've been interested in, but have been terrified at the thought of possibly ruining a know what I mean?  I'll let you know how it goes after my first lesson.  Let's just say that I picked up three quilt kits or so from the local quilt shop, so hopefully I'll be ready to learn in no time!  :)


  1. Wonderful! Have you seen the Pay it Forward thing going on in Blogland? You choose 3 followers and send them something handmade in the next year. Then they do it for 3 people, too.

  2. Oh my goodness, what wonderfully generous ladies! Every quilter I've ever met is a complete sweetheart - you are so fortunate to have met those two. :)

  3. What a great gift! And good luck with your lesson. How fun!

  4. you lucky girl!! the quilt is beautiful, and i can't wait to hear how the quilting goes. i've been thinking about taking a lesson or two :)

  5. Lovely Kaye. Lovely fabrics. Lovely quilt. Really, really nice. I know you are tickled pink! Pay it forward baby. Pay it forward.

    I'd love to know the pattern she used.

  6. What a wonderful thing! How nice! Love it! You will be great on the longarm. I bet you'll pick it up fast and be GREAT at it!

  7. What a nice thing of her to do. Im sure you will treasure it. Good luck with the lessons, how fun.

  8. This is beautiful!! I would love to learn how to quilt and knit! Making scarves for Christmas presents would be so much fun :)


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