September 27, 2011

Blog Sugar Recap!

Blog Sugar was fantastic!  I met so many fantastic women, made new friends, and have a handful of new blogs that I'm following (and am SO excited to catch up on the reading!).  Not to mention that they had a...

Photo Booth

Cotton Candy, AND

a Dessert Bar!!!

I know that you're all dying for photos, so here we go! 

The banquet hall was decorated in pink and orange (my favorite color!).  The tables were adorned with beautiful flowers, and each centerpiece had a BIG fun balloon.

Each place setting was adorned with a mini sprinkled donut.  I'm absolutely in love with anything mini!  :)

The evening was broken up into three sessions, which we had all pre-registered for.  I was stoked to have the opportunity to participate in the following sessions:

1- Laura Wiertzema's 'Cultivating Your Own Personal Style' (Fashion, Design, Style, Life and the art of capturing it all)
2- Sarah Markley's 'Carving Out Your Space' (Finding your unique niche in blogging while connecting with your readers)
3- Gussy's 'The Art of Growing A Business' (Utilizing Social Media to take your business to the next level)

Before, during, and after the sessions the dessert bar was open.  They had SO many treats to choose from!  Here are just a few...

Yes, those are mini donuts on top of chocolate cupcakes!!!

I think that these Lemon Tartlets were the start of the night!

My sweet friend Kara and I!  I'm so thankful that we went together, as there was no way that I would have survived alone (I am way TOO shy and quiet for these type of events!).  :)

I had the chance to meet and chat with Casey!  Let me tell you, she is beautiful, so very sweet, and truly genuine!  I'm so thankful to have met her in this crazy blog world!  :)

Last but not least, here's a photo of Gussy and I.  When Kara and I arrived we set our purses down on chairs, and unbeknown to us, Gussy had also set her bag down on a chair at our table.  It was such a pleasure to be able to chat with her over dinner!

Have you ever met any of your blog friends in real life???


  1. yep, yep and I plan to add to the number at market - you - girlfriend!!!!
    Thanks for sharing all the awesome photos!! Would love to hear more about Gussy's talk.
    Have an awesome day!!

  2. Can we please go back and enjoy some more of those amazing cupcakes!!

  3. Your pictures are adorable! Loved having you with us!!!

  4. Blog Sugar looks like it was tons of fun! Hopping over from Soleil Selene...nice to meet you ;)

  5. hi, candice! i was at blogsugar, too. i know i saw you but we didn't meet. bummer. i follow your blog now and found u thru soleil selene.

  6. I've always wanted to check out a blogging event like this, but I'm also a little too scared/shy to do it. Looks like you had a great time & met some really awesome people.

    I found your blog through Soleil Selene & am so glad I did.

  7. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello on my little blog. It was great to meet you too. Wasn't it SO MUCH FUN?!?! I hope there is another one next year.

  8. Jealous! And those desserts look delicious. Some day Ill make it there :)
    Following you from Soleil Selene!

  9. Found you through Leilani. I have met two bloggy friends and it was wonderful. The best of friendships can be made it cyberland. :O)

  10. I've met several blog friends and with some of them I'm really good friends now. Strange but really makes me feel good. They kinda now, through my blog, more then "real" friends or also family!!!
    I found you through SoleilSelene and I'm a follower now!

  11. Blog Sugar looks like so much fun! New follower from Soliel Selene!

    DAES of Our Lives
    Royal daughter Designs

  12. Blog Sugar looks and sounds like it was such a blast! I love all the fun decor :) New follower!!

  13. I bet you all had a great time!! Those desserts looked fab and yummy.
    Visiting from Leilani's blog, I'm your newest follower :)

  14. it was fun to meet you too! even if i was all " i know you, i don't know you." well, i know you now! looking forward to getting to know you better.

  15. Wasn't Blog Sugar so great?!?!?! Didn't get a chance to meet you....hopefully next year! And, I agree...the lemon tartlets were amazing! :)

  16. Love your post. Wish I could have been there! Maybe next year!! New follower hopping over from soleil selene. Nice to meet you!

  17. I am loving seeing all these great Blog Sugar posts. Looks fantastic! I am a new follower from soleil selene.

  18. Following you! Stopped by from Soleil Selene link up!

  19. New follower, coming from Soleil Selene! Link Party!!

  20. Found you thru the Soleil Selene blog hop! Looking forward to following your adventures :) I would love to someday meet some bloggy friends! Looks like you had an awesome time! What an amazing event!! Thanks for sharing!

  21. Sadly I'm in Europe and haven't been able to meet up with any European bloggers. And I'm here from the Soleil Selene blog hop, I'm a new follower!

  22. I went to BlogHer and was able to met a lot of my blog friends! It was awesome! It looks like you had a great time too!

    Following from the Soleil Selene Blog Hop!

  23. found you through the soleil selene link up and now following you!

    Blog sugar was awesome and your blog is super cute :)

  24. so glad i got to meet you sweet friend! i wish we got a picture together.. next time! you are the best :)

  25. I found you through Soleil Selene. I'm so inspired by all the posts in blogland about Blog Sugar, looks like so much fun and such inspiring stories. I'm a new follower! :)

  26. Stopping by from the blog hop at Soleil Selene. I haven't gotten to meet any of my blogging buds but if I could I would meet Salena who commented just above me and Nay from Cover to Cover and Everything in Between!

  27. it looks like it was a blast! stopping by via soliel selene...i definitely want to go next year and meet some bloggy friends:)

  28. Looks like an AWESOME event!! I found you through Soleil Selene and I'm now your newest follower!!

  29. Sweet blog! I'm a new follower, found you through Soleil Selene's link up. I have not met any blog friends in real life, but I'm working on building up those friendships!

  30. candice! so thrilled we met at blog sugar, loved sitting with you! you are a joy! xo

  31. Ahh this looks like it was so much fun! I have never met any of my bloggy friends in real life.. but I sure hope to one day!
    Found you from Soleil Selene's Blog hop :)

  32. New reader here and I just wanted to say I love your green necklace in these photos. You make it?

  33. I would like to hear more about this sometime from you, Candice!


I LOVE your comments, and read them all! Thank you! :)