December 16, 2009

I {HEART} Christmas Cards!

If you do too, swing on over to the and view the Christmas Card Carousel (via Walk with me by faith)- I'm sure you won't be disappointed!

In the past I've been a 'one picture Christmas card giver', however this year I decided to spice it up bit! I absolutely love how the cards came out, and the colors/flowers are totally my style!

The photo on the left is of Mr. D and I ice skating on the cruise we took in September, the middle photo is from Thanksgiving (thanks photographer Dad!), and the picture on the right is from our trip to Georgia in April.

Christmas cards were created and printed through

Tonight I'm Baking!

Tonight I'm getting my 'bake on' in preparation of Thursday's cookie swap (can you tell that I'm a bit excited?). I'm not a prodigy baker, however I do make one mean Russian Teacake (not to mention it's practically the only cookie I've ever made- HA!), which will be my contribution to the swap. My goal is to make three dozen cookies, which means that I'll have to limit my raw cookie dough intake for the night (look at the recipe, as this cookie doesn't call for any eggs- score!).

A quick update to Monday's post: Last night I finished the half apron that I started over the weekend! I also ironed on most of the interfacing onto the tote bag that I'm making for Christmas. I'm hoping that I can multi-task tonight and sew a bit while my cookies are in the oven!

Photo from

December 14, 2009

Snooze Fest!

Not much sewing/crafting has been going on in my house, thus not much posting has been going on here! This is the first year that I decided to gift a couple of handmade items, and I'm procrastinating like the gifts are for next Christmas- not good! For example:
  • I'm working on a tote bag, in which I cut out the pattern pieces 3-4 weeks ago (plenty of time before Christmas), and the pieces are patiently waiting for me to attach the interfacing (which is not a task I enjoy!).
  • I'm also working on another half apron. I picked up the project Saturday, after weeks/months of not touching it. I'm probably about a third of the way complete! I know I'll make the deadline for this one, I just have to buckle down!

  • On a brighter note, I did finish the remaining clutches from my Christmas order! The seven clutches were delivered this morning and were well loved- which brought a smile to my face! If I've calculated correctly, I've made a total of 31 clutches since August- crazy!
As for Christmas preparations:
  • All of the Christmas presents are purchased and wrapped under the tree- woo hoo!

  • I sent a flat rate box to Georgia on Saturday and was notified that it was delivered today- go USPS, go! (Yes you read it right, the pajama pants and child's apron were finally sent out!)

  • I'm participating in my first cookie swap with my women's small group from church on Thursday! I'm looking forward to tasting all of the cookies and bringing home the recipes (and some samples) to share with Mr. D!

  • Sunday afternoon I got together with my women's small group from church and delivered food and hygiene bags to the homeless as part of our Christmas project. Yesterday was the first time I came in contact with the homeless in these circumstances, and it was definitely an eye opener. The entire time we were driving around looking for individuals to donate to, I wished that as well as the food and the hygiene products that I could have provided handmade blankets for each of them, but it wasn't in the cards this time around. I learned a lot about myself, what I take for granted, what I'm thankful for, and most of all that a stranger is able to make a difference in someone's life. Sunday was a good day!

December 8, 2009

Mod Podge Rocks!

I'm almost a week late with this post, however I wanted all to know that my Mod Podge plaques were featured on Mod Podge Rocks (awesome blog- go check it out!).

A special thank you to Amy for hosting such an inspirational blog, and for including my plaques!

December 7, 2009


Thank you all for your interest in the Christmas tree napkins and the quilt pattern! I've read everyone's comments and plan to 'borrow' some of your holiday traditions- I hope that's okay! :) I'm also trying to make it to everyone's blog to see what you've been up to; if I haven't stopped by yet- I will!

Let's get down to business, as the random integer generator has spoken!

The winner of the red and green Christmas napkins is lucky # 19!

The winner of the red and gold Christmas napkins is lucky #56!

Last but not least, the winner of the quilt pattern is lucky # 40!

Congratulations ladies! Be on the look out for an email from me later today!

December 3, 2009

Monthly Craft Challenge- Christmas Edition!

If you're looking for my Sew Mama Sew giveaway post, scroll down or click here.

After missing out on Blue Eyed Blessings, Fall Craft Challenge I'm super excited to be participating in this one, as I whipped up some Christmas tree fabric napkins! I used four fat quarters and a pattern that I received at the Holiday Shop Hop (not to shabby!).

Head on over to Heidi's blog to check out all of the participants! Also, if your interested in winning a set of napkins, scroll down and enter my Sew Mama Sew giveaway!

December 2, 2009

Welcome Friends!

Welcome Sew Mama Sew friends! I'm so happy that you found my blog, as I started blogging in March '09 in hopes of inspiring others to find their 'inner craft diva', as I've found great joy in sewing and crafting since I found mine this past January!

I was a b
it too new to the blogging world to participate in Sew Mama Sew's May Giveaway Day, and thus am very excited to be offering three great giveaways today! The first two giveaways are a set of four Christmas tree cloth napkins (a red and green set and a red and gold set). The napkins are festive and are the perfect addition to any kitchen table!

Lastly, I'm giving away a quilt pattern from Threaded Pear Studio, Swiss Kiss. The pattern is an easy applique which is fun and festive and would make a great scrappy quilt!

1. Leave a comment on this post about your favorite HOLIDAY tradition.
(I'll start, as my favorite holiday tradition are Christmas cards- I LOVE sending them and LOVE receiving them even more!)

2. Become a follower of my blog.
(The button is located second from the bottom of the right-hand column.)

There are 2 possible entries, so please be sure to leave a separate comment for each entry, and make sure there is a way for me to contact you (leave your email address in your comment if you don't have a blog or if you post as Anonymous, as I need to be able to contact you when you win!).

Feel free to mention if you'd rather the red and green or the red and gold napkins and/or the quilt pattern- I can't make any promises, but perhaps I'll be able to make it happen! :o)

This giveaway will close the evening (PST) of Sunday, December 6, 2009, and is open to US residents only.

Winners will be selected via

P.S.- A special thank you to my Momma who donated the fabric for the red and gold napkins!


The Giveaway is now closed.
Winners will be announced Monday (12/7) morning!

Thank you for everyone's participation, and to all of my new Followers, I hope you stick around! :)