March 9, 2010

I'm Back in the Game (FINALLY)!!!


A month and then some has come and gone without the use of my sewing machine that is until last night!!! Getting back in the game was definitely a process, but boy am I glad to be in it again!
Friday I removed the band aid from my left pointer finger (you remember what happened- right?), and Saturday I brought my sewing machine out from the back room and placed it next to the kitchen table- a place where it was widely visible. I stared at it and contemplated sewing Saturday evening, but that time came and went. Sunday I was house bound doing laundry, in preparation of my upcoming getaway weekend (more on that later), and I again contemplated doing some recreational sewing, but after ten loads of laundry it didn't happen.
Monday was the night! Mr. D and I went out do dinner with my Momma and Aunt P, and after returning home I started to cut the fabric I needed for the much needed zippered pouch. I must confess that I cut the fabric with scissors (rather than the rotary blade out of numbing fright!). The cutting process was painfully long, but I accomplished my goal and then proceeded with my zippered pouch (I used this tutorial and would totally recommend it!).
I completed the pouch in no time (sorry I don't have a photo for you yet, but don't fret as I'll post a picture soon!), however need to do some touch up work tonight as I'm not in love with the color contrast of my cream Handmade By Candice tag against the white fabric, not to mention that the tag should be sewn in the opposite seam as I want it on the right-hand side of the zippered pouch (I'm too picky!).
As for my getaway weekend- I'm off to Vegas this Friday for my sister's Bachelorette Party...wish me luck! :)
(Note please ignore the floating periods between the paragraphs- I'm having formatting issues with Blogger- again!)


  1. Yippee!!! Glad that you are back sewing, you have such wonderful talent, and enjoy it so much, I would have hated to see you not sew anymore. I can't wait to see your zippered pouch.

  2. ok, I'm totally jealous - Vegas, baby! Have a great time, and glad to see you get back in the sewing saddle!


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