February 22, 2012

LA Quilt Shops Part 1: Sew Modern

I'm so excited to share snippets of my trip to LA with you!  Early Saturday morning I jumped on the freeway, headed west, to meet up with Stephanie, a fellow Creative Consultant, and her sister Kristin!  I had met Kristin before, as she was at The Quilted Fish's Fabric Launch Party in October, however this was the first time meeting Stephanie (after months and months of emailing back and forth!).  Our first stop was Sew Modern,in West LA.

Sew Modern is a relatively new store, as they just celebrated their one year anniversary! 

The quaint (and very useful!) sitting area.  The perfect place for husbands and children!  :)

The store was stocked with beautiful fabrics, and also had a very abundant sale section (my favorite!!!).  After being surrounded by old lady quilt shops, the vibrant fabric prints and colors was definitely a breath of fresh air!  :)

Sew Modern also has all 214 colors of Kona Cotton, which is something I've never witnessed before!  I just started using solids in my quilts, and love that the shop has so many bolts to play with!

This is a photo from the back of the store, looking towards the front.  There is a long arm quilting machine behind me, and the green desk with sewing machines is where the classes are held.

Stephanie and I!  I'm so thankful that we had the opportunity to meet up.  If only we lived closer...


I spotted this mustache fabric and absolutely fell in love!  You may recall that for Christmas I made a leather mustache pillow, and now I will be making a mustache quilt for Thomas as well!  I am going to use the pattern that the orange quilt (second photo) was made from, which is available in the Spring issue of Quilts and More magazine.  I will be using orange sashing, the rectangles and large squares will be the mustaches, and I think I'll be using Moda's black Pezzy Print for the small squares.  I'm excited for this quilt, and can't wait to get started!

Come back tomorrow morning, as I'm preparing a write up on the second quilt shop we visited, The Urban Craft Center in Santa Monica, CA!


  1. oh man, wish I lived closer!!! Can't wait to see your new quilt project!!

  2. They are a fabulous quilt shop...just sad it is all the way in Downtown LA.
    Glad you had fun!

  3. This looks great!! My city doesn't even have a fabric shop, nevermind one this lovely =)

  4. Love the shop, love that u got to meet Stephanie, and may I ask, whom is Thomas=))))

  5. Great photos. I wish I had gotten one of the solids wall and one from the back. Love it. I sure had fun hanging out with you! Thanks for a great day! Glad you got some of that fabric. I knew you needed some!

  6. Looks like you had a really fun day! One question...do people who live in Santa Monica quilt? I just can't picture that being part of the lifestyle there or at least enough to support a nice store like that. Love that you posted on your blog again!

  7. Love this store! I wish I lived closer! Thanks fo sharing! I want to follow your blog but am having trouble finding how to follow by email? is that possible at all?
    Thanks for all the inspiration!


I LOVE your comments, and read them all! Thank you! :)