July 23, 2011


I've been a HORRIBLE blogger!  :(  Let's just pretend that I was away at Summer Camp- okay?  :)  In all honesty, life has been moving quickly, and thankfully in a positive direction.  A couple of highlights from the past two weeks or so:
  •  Took a quick road trip, with Stuart in tow.  He doesn't exactly get along with his dog cousins, so its hard to find him a place to stay when I leave town.  This time around our sweet family friends agreed to let Stuart visit.  It was his first road trip and he did VERY well!   :)
  • While out of town, I had an appointment scheduled with Strawberry Patches.  Let me preface that Strawberry Patches is the premiere quilt shop in the San Joaquin Valley.  In fact, Strawberry Patches was where I learned how to sew- so cool!  I went into the meeting a tad bit nervous, as that's the norm (I'm a huge ball of nerves!).  The meeting was SO successful!  Patterns were ordered, samples were ordered, and a wonderful creative relationship was developed!  My sweet friend Suzanne, the owner of Strawberry Patches, sums up the meeting much better than I ever could.  Make sure to head on over to Notes From the Patch!
  • Some of my patterns and finished samples traveled with my friend to Gina, owner of Fresh Picked Fabrics, to the Project Linus chapter coordinator's meeting in Chicago!
I also have a couple of exciting announcements to share:
  • I'm working on some new tutorials, so make sure you stick around, as they will be great gift ideas!  :)
  • I'll be having Made With Love's first GIVEAWAY WEEK, August 8th-14th!  I have some sweet blog friends that will be participating (thank you!).  If you have a shop and would be interested in participating in Giveaway Week, please email me at squirmywormstudio@gmail.com for details!  :)
  • I'm also working on a Q&A post, so if you have any questions that you've just been dying to ask, leave me a comment and I'll answer them in a future blog post.
I hope that everyone is having a great weekend!  I'm headed to the Happiest Place on Earth tomorrow!  :)


  1. What a great story. I love the way Suzanne describes the story! Congrats to you. Good luck and keep us posted.

  2. Hey, want to count me in on your giveaway week?

  3. Congrats again on your success! So happy for you. Great story, too. I'm doing a giveaway next week, too. Fun!


I LOVE your comments, and read them all! Thank you! :)