June 13, 2011

Blooming Possibilities- The Clutch by Abbey Lane Quilts

So, last weekend my Momma and I both spent some time sewing- woo hoo!  While at Quilt Market, my Momma picked up Blooming Possibilities by Abbey Lane Quilts.  The book contains instructions for 12 patterns...everything from purses/clutches to flip flops and wall art!  :)

This is my Momma's Clutch!  Didn't she do a good job!?!  The main body fabric is Toni, by Windham Fabrics.  The strap is Rainy Days and Mondays by Riley Blake, and the inside lining/flower is made up of Summertime, by Henry Glass Co.

Now for my review of the pattern...  Let's just say that we got through the first fifteen steps, and while attempting step number sixteen, we decided that our best bet was to rip out all that we had done and start over (with our own pattern modifications!).  My Momma was crushed, but at least we were able to salvage all of the fabric.  

If you plan on making a Clutch of your own, I would suggest adding interfacing (12.5" x 17.5") to the mix, as it holds the pleats in place.  I would also suggest cutting the Peltex larger (12.5" x 16.5"), than the pattern calls for, as its only my opinion, but I think that the Peltex HAS to be caught in the seams in order for the corners to box properly.  As for the lining, I hate when the lining gets all bunchy when its not cut to the correct size, thus I'd suggest that the lining be turned under 1" (that or just cut 1" shorter than what the pattern calls for- your choice!).  One more...as for the magnets, in hindsight I would add the after the band is stitched in place.  I questioned this part of the pattern when first reading over the directions, and should have gone with my gut.  If the magnets are inserted before the band is sewn on, they get in the way when you're trying to top stitch the band.  Just a few modifications to make your sewing experience a little less frustrating than ours!


  1. I like the flower. The finished product is lovely!

  2. It turned out beautifully. I always appreciate tips like this, so thanks for that!


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