April 7, 2011

Will YOU Join Me???

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Hi friends!!!  First things first, I attempted to record a vlog (video blog) on Wednesday, because I'm just THAT excited about this post.  I started the camera, and about one minute into my spiel I realized that I wasn't wearing makeup, my hair wasn't cooperating, and I was in my jammies- oy!  :) 

Anyways, I've had a lot of extra time on my hands lately and have really felt God stretching me (which I love!).  I've had the desire to read the entire bible for some time now.  I started out strong in the book of Psalms in January, and unfortunately fell off the wagon by February.  I then got back on the horse in February and started reading from the book of John, and again failed- ugh!  

As of this Sunday, I WILL read the bible in 52 weeks, and I sincerely hope that you join me.  I've found that I'm always so much more motivated to go to the gym when I have a gym buddy that is counting on me, and I'm hoping to implement the same concept when it comes to reading the bible.  I'll more than gladly be your source of motivation, if you'll be mine!  :)

Now for the details...  Every Sunday I'll post the week's reading list.  Here's a super handy one-page reading list, which I'd recommend you print out and store in your binder, so that you can check-off the reading assignment upon completion!  It's not required, but I ask that if you come across a verse that really touched home, or anything that you want to share, please feel free to leave a comment on the weekly Sunday reading list post!  I read ALL comments, and will try to respond in a timely manner!  :)

Are you in???  If so, I'd love for you to grab the button below (that my sweet friend Christa designed for me!) and put it on your blog.  Please feel free to spread the news, as the more, the merrier!  :)


If you have any questions that I haven't yet answered, please feel free to email me at squirmywormstudio@gmail.com.  I hope you'll be back here on Sunday for the start of week #1!!!


  1. I am definately in! I have started to read the bible in a year so many times and always stop for one reason or another about 1/3 of the way thru. Yeah for motivation! "See" you on Sunday!

  2. Awesome Candice I have done this and I highly recommend it. I suggest starting out somewhere around Samual it is hard to go off the wagon when you are in love with David :) who was in love with God. Hugs sweetie!

  3. Good luck with it! What a great goal.

  4. this is great.
    i am not a religious girl; not sure if/what i believe in actually, but i would love to join you.

    like everything else, i think its super important to try and try again before something can be disregarded.
    [in this case, it is my religious belief..]



I LOVE your comments, and read them all! Thank you! :)