March 23, 2011

Guest Post- cjae: photography & design!!!

Please tell us a little about yourself- name, location, what do you like to do for fun?
Hi there! My name is Christa, I blog over at cjae: photography&design {}. I live in the lovely yet sometimes incredibly annoying, Southern California. Oh the things I love to do for fun?? I love to get my hands dirty. I tend to put my hands in a few different things: photography, design, crafts, crochet—pretty much anything that may fall under the realm of art.

Do you have a shop? If so what’s the name and URL? What do you sell? Do you have a favorite item?
This is my blog link, but here I have the opportunity to purchase a custom blog design (by me ), sponsor spots, and soon I am hoping to jump into photography.
How did your shop’s name come about?
“cjae” is just an extension of my nickname. My name is Christa Jae Morris, and as I was growing up and even today my family calls me C.J. For some reason, out of my other siblings and anyone else in my family, I got the nickname while everyone else goes by name. I don’t mind at all. As for my reasoning of using “cjae” for my blog and little business is that I wanted something I could carry on for a long time. I didn’t want to incorporate my last name because when I get married one day, I wouldn’t want to carry that my maiden name on (I want to take my husbands name completely. Hehe). So because I have always liked my nickname, extending it to cjae rather than just C.J. just kind of happened.

What inspires you to create?
I am inspired by the most random things. I find small things attractive in life and those things make me want to create. It could be anything: from a bottle cap I find on the ground, a new freckle I noticed on my face, to an accidentally scribble I made on my paper. It just makes me want to start creating!

What is the one word that describes you best?
Random? Weird I know.

If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?
Venice, Italy! My boyfriend and I always talk about how awesome it would be to go there. I keep adding to our mental checklist of “places to visit” J

& to say good-bye...I would love to invite you to participate in a:
what is this give away??
it is a chance to receive on of three sponsored spots on my blog.
a large, medium, or small ad.
the winner of the large ad will also receive an extra little something. you'll have to enter in order to find out :)

all you have to do is head over to cjae: photography&design & leave a comment on the give away post! Hope you can make it :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this, Candice! I enjoyed reading it!


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