January 31, 2011

Rolling With The Punches

I don't know about you, but I've always been my hardest critic. When it comes to life in general (including sewing), I'm always the first one to see my mistakes.

As some of you may know, I've been out of work since the end of June 2010, with no steady architecture employment opportunities in sight, thus I've been spending my time sewing for Squirmy Worm Studio, writing patterns/tutorials, and just trying to enjoy my down time as much as possible.
However, I've recently come into a period of self-doubt when it comes to growing my business, and whether or not this is the right avenue for my creativity. I would LOVE to one day be able to make a living being crafty, but I feel as there is no reality in that idea as my perfectionism takes over (plus it takes me WAY too long to start and finish a project). I let days go by without creating anything for Squirmy Worm Studio, and it frustrates me, but not knowing what people are coming to my shop for is difficult. What if I spend all of my time making adorable Nursing Cocoons when people really want to come and buy Coffee Burlap Tote Bags?

I started Squirmy Worm Studio with the hope of spreading handmade love and hope to work through the self-doubt and continue the journey, as I have tons of beautiful fabrics that I haven't yet had the opportunity to use! :)

January 27, 2011

View From My Window

I hate to iron clothes, and have to say that I'm not 100% fond of ironing quilting fabric, but all is tolerable with this view from the ironing board in my Sewing Studio! :)

January 2011 has probably been the best January (speaking in terms of weather) that I can remember! December was rainy, which wasn't pleasant, yet it made the view from my Sewing Studio that much better as the hills are green! It might be hard to decipher in this photo, but there are a handful of horses grazing on the hillside.

January 26, 2011

Upcoming Tutorials!

Sunday my Momma and I went to the Road to California Quilt Show in Ontario, to just 'look around'. Let's just say that I walked out with 8 yards of fabric! :) We browsed the featured elaborate quilts, which really blow my mind, but also turn me off at the same time as I like to start and finish a project within a reasonable amount of time. :) All in all, I think the Quilt Show was exactly what I needed to get back in my studio!

Remember this post about The Quilted Fish's fabric and goodies? Well, the Quilt Show was stocked full of Sweet Divinity fabric and The Quilted Fish's patterns, which really inspired me to create! Sunday night I started sewing, Monday I worked on the tutorial, and today I finished my project and tutorial- woo hoo! I know you're dying for a sneak peek, so here is a little one...

If you like what you see (which I hope you do!) you'll have to head over to The Quilted Fish's blog for my upcoming guest post (in March). :)

Also, if you're in need of a Valentine's Table Runner tutorial, make sure to check out my friend Tammie's blog for her Sew Full of Love Week (February 6-12th), as I'll be posting my (soon to be written) tutorial! I ordered some of Moda's Giddy fabric, which should arrive today, so perhaps I can cross that tutorial off of my list this week as well! :)

January 21, 2011

Fabric, Buttons, and Flowers!

Last Saturday my first package from The Quilted Fish arrived, and I've literally been swooning over all of the beautiful Sweet Divinity fabrics (and not to mention the FUN buttons and crocheted flowers)! :)

I've already sat down to start working on my tutorial (it took be FOREVER to narrow down all of my ideas!). I am so excited and hope that my tutorial will be of interest to so many of you! The tutorial will be posted on The Quilted Fish's blog in March (don't worry I'll remind you!).

Any ideas of what I'm making??? :)

January 17, 2011

A Work In Progress!

I've always dreamed of having a sewing studio of my own! One that inspires me to create, where I'm surrounded by beautiful fabric, and where my sewing machine is a permanent fixture! Slowly but surely my dream of having a studio is coming together (the photos below are proof!). :)

I can't believe that I'm actually publishing some of these photos, but here we go! :) I used to store my fabric in a single plastic tote, but when my collection grew too much to fit in the tote, it was stored on the carpet (so embarrassing!).

Needless to say my lack of concealed fabric storage really spearheaded my need to organize my sewing room! After plenty of folding and sorting my fabric stash transformed into neat little piles. :)

I picked up this armoire last week and have big plans for it, as I purchased black paint today and hope to get it painted within the next couple of days- woo hoo! I've also been looking for new knobs and I totally fell in love with these, but the cost of 8 knobs totals more than the cost of the armoire, which means I need to think long and hard about that possible purchase!

Last but not least, my parents purchased this darling sewing chair for my new sewing studio (thanks again Mom and Dad!). I'm working on getting a sewing desk built to complete my sewing studio, and hope to paint it a fun turquoise (which will match the chair!).

I'll make sure to post photos of my completed space, in hopes of redeeming myself after admitting to the fact that I used to store fabric on the floor- yikes! :)

January 12, 2011

Thread Catcher Sewing Pattern- Now Available for Purchase!

Woo hoo! I FINALLY took the plunge and completed my very own Thread Catcher pattern for purchase on Etsy!!!

The Thread Catcher pattern is a 5 page PDF file, featuring clear and concise directions with 17 supporting step-by-step photos.

Squirmy Worm Studio’s Thread Catchers are a must have accessory for any Seamstress, Quilter, Scrapbooker, Knitter, Crocheter, and/or Jeweler!

The Thread Catcher consists of a weighted bag/pincushion with non-slip grip, enabling it to sit (and stay!) on the table, serving as a great portable trash bag for your favorite Seamstress/Crafter! If you're a Knitter or Crocheter, the Thread Catcher can be placed over the arm of your favorite chair and used to hold your skein of yarn!

The Thread Catcher approximately measures 14" long, with the bag measuring 8" tall x 5.5" in diameter, with a 2.5" boxed bottom. The bag is constructed with boning, enabling the bag to always remain open and ready for your scraps! :)

January 10, 2011

I'm So VERY Excited!!!

I'm finally able to share the good news with all of my blog friends! :) A couple weeks back I answered an open casting call to be a Creative Consultant, under the direction of Amanda Herring of The Quilted Fish, and I was chosen!!!

The Team is comprised of nine lovely and talented ladies from across the globe! Each Creative Consultant will be sent a care package of Amanda's fabric and some Riley Blake embellishments (oh how I love Riley Blake!) and will make a tutorial to share with YOU! Every Friday one of us will guest post on Amanda's blog, so make sure to bookmark her address! :)

I'm really quite excited to be given this opportunity, and am looking forward to what my creative/sewing future holds! I hope you'll continue to follow me along this adventure! :)