June 30, 2010

A New Urban Tots Winner!

Due to unforeseen circumstances, a new Urban Tots ONE PIECE winner has been selected.

Drumroll please......a big CONGRATULATIONS to # 9, reneek who said "My favorite summer snack is S'Mores (of course!!!)".

Congratulations!!! I'll be in contact! :)

June 28, 2010

You're Invited!

...to Made With Love's home tour! I don't know about you, but I absolutely LOVE looking at model homes as well as where others call home! A peek inside someone's home makes me giddy inside (is that weird?). Anyways, I spent the majority of this weekend cleaning and thought I would share (because I know you've been dying to see!).

Family Room

Dining Room / Family Room
(All of Squirmy Worm Studio's magic happens at that table!).


Master Bedroom

Master Bathroom

Spare Bedroom / Office / PlayStation Room

Hall Bathroom

June 24, 2010

Two Lucky Ladies...

For the impatient folks (like myself!), sorry for posting this so late! I have to say that it was a long and hard day as Mr. D and I are facing many changes in our daily lives (I'll expand on this later), and for those of you who know me in real life, you know that I'm NOT A FAN of change (let's just say I used to just about have a heart attack when my momma would change around the living room furniture!).

A BIG thank you so much for everyone stopping by! I've learned that many of you like fresh fruit and smores (yummy!).
Okay, enough chitter chatter...drumroll please! The winner of the one piece is number....15 (Vanessa) and the winner of the Babyscope download is number...22 (Very Married)!

Congratulations to both of you!!! I'll be in contact! :)

June 22, 2010

My Life and Cereal!

If you're looking for the Urban Tots giveaway...click here (giveaway ends Thursday!).

I LOVE cereal (exciting stuff...huh?). I was at the grocery store Monday evening, and while strolling down the cereal aisle, it was as if I took a trip down memory lane. I have to say that cereal (the healthy kind, NOT the sugary junk) has been a staple in my life. I'm a lover of Cheerios, Rice Krispies, Corn Flakes, Kix (which I bought a box of on Monday!), and my all time favorite is Crispix (more about that later!).

Many of times cereal is my dinner on lazy nights, has been used for some of my makeshift diets, and was given away as favors at our wedding! :) Mr. D and I got married at the Kellogg House (Kellogg, the cereal mogul!), and since we are both lovers (some of us more than others) of cereal, I thought it would be cute to share our love with our guests!

Back to Crispix...yummy! I was tempted to buy a box on Monday, but at $5/box I would have been sick with guilt (this train of thought made perfect sense to me on Monday, but sure does sound funny typed out!). Growing up we lived close to my maternal set of grandparents, and I remember that my Grandma B would always have Crispix in her cabinets! I'm thankful for the memories I have as a young girl having breakfast with my sister and my grandparents. Nothing is better than a bowl of Crispix and half of a fresh grapefruit from Grandma B's grapefruit tree!

Are you a cereal lover? If so, which kind is your favorite?

June 20, 2010

Introducing the Deluxe Diaper Pod!

If you're looking for the Urban Tots giveaway...click here!

Happy Sunday everyone! This weekend proved to be very fruitful, as I spent some much needed time at my sewing machine (yeah!). If you are a Facebook fan of Squirmy Worm Studio, you know that I've had a great opening month (thanks to all of you!!!). The Diaper Pods have been a hit in the shop (I'm so thankful!), but I also desire to expand my product line. With that said, I am so happy to be able to introduce the Deluxe Diaper Pod!

This stylish Deluxe Diaper Pod is made of 100% cotton fabric from Erin McMorris's Sophie's Garden and Art Gallery's Girly Girl line with coordinating yellow polka dots and orange lining.

Squirmy Worm Studio’s Deluxe Diaper Pod is made from Indygo Junction's 'The Crestwood' pattern by Secely Palmer. The Deluxe Diaper Pod is approximately 15" wide x 12" high (excluding the handles) and 5" deep. The handles are padded for extra comfort and have a 9.5" drop, which is perfect height for a shoulder bag. The bag construction includes two layers of quilt batting, which makes it soft to the touch and durable. Heavy duty interfacing lines the bottom of the bag, which insures the bag will deep its shape. As shown in the photos, the bottom of the bag is embellished with buttons, which make great purse feet.

The interior of the Deluxe Diaper Pod is lined with orange fabric and has two pockets constructed from Erin McMorris's Sophie's Garden fabric, which measure 7.75" wide x 6" high; one of the pockets is a two-way divided pocket. The Deluxe Diaper Pod also has two interior elastics which are perfect for holding bottles, sippy cups, and water bottles (just to name a few). The Deluxe Diaper Pod is equipped with a tie closure.

Squirmy Worm Studio's Deluxe Diaper Pods are made to grow with you as they are perfect size for a weekend outing, or an everyday tote bag. Whether you have a child in diapers or not, the Deluxe Diaper Pod can meet your toting needs!

The Deluxe Diaper Pod will be added to the shop Monday morning, so if you are interested make sure to keep an eye out!

Happy Father's Day!!!

Happy Father's Day to all Dads, but an extra BIG Happy Father's Day to my Dad...I'm one lucky girl! Love you! :)

Dad and I- October 2007.
PS- totally one of my favorite photos of the two of us! :)

The song that played during our Father/Daughter dance (my Dad picked a GOOD one!)...

June 16, 2010

Salzburg...Something Special!

If you're looking for the Urban Tots giveaway...click here!

I was going through some photos tonight and stumbled upon our 'Honeymoon 2007' folder...good times! We took a two week trip through Europe, stopping in Vienna, Prague, Pilsen, Krakow, Salzburg, and Bratislava. I had spent time in Vienna and Prague while living in Florence, so I was excited to 'show' Mr. D around. The latter half of the trip was a new adventure for both of us. Exploring the cities by foot was quite exciting!

Here are a couple of photos from Salzburg...definitely a favorite in my book!

View of country living from high atop a mountain!

View of old town along the Salzach River.

View of Salzburg with the Hohensalzburg Castle ("High Salzburg Fortress") in the background.

Pretzels (my favorite!) are huge in Salzburg!!!

The happy couple (on a train back to Vienna)...

P.S.- I REALLY wanted to go on The Sound of Music bus tour (sing-a-long central!), but didn't have the chance...hopefully next time! :)

June 14, 2010

Welcome Home Mr. Gnome!!!

If you're looking for the Urban Tots giveaway...click here!

I wish that I could say that "I've always wanted a gnome of my own", but it has actually been a new obsession. I was browsing through Target one day (my favorite store!) and spotted this cute little cast iron guy in the garden center and it was love at first sight! :) I didn't buy him that day, as he wasn't on sale (remember my post about being frugal?...perfect example!).

I'm happy to report that the adorable gnome above arrived at my house on Sunday in care of my momma (thanks again momma!). I plan to put him outside the kitchen window (looking in towards the house), in hopes of making washing dishes a bit more enjoyable! :)

Oh, and a quick disclaimer- for those of you who are worried, please don't be as I won't pull an Amelie-esque move and travel around the world sending home photos of the Mr. Gnome visiting the most famous landmarks on the planet- I promise!

What are your thoughts on gnomes- fun, scary, or old lady-ish? :)

June 10, 2010

Urban Tots Giveaway!!!

This giveaway is now closed. Thank you all for your participation!

I'm so excited to be hosting a sponsored giveaway by Urban Tots, which specializes in 100% organic baby one pieces!

Yummy, delicious, squeezable, sweet and 100% organic! These aren’t your fruit and vegetables anymore, they’re Urban Tots baby one pieces. Designs inspired straight from the farmers market and brought to you in these super cute berry containers!

Today there are two items up for grabs! The first is a 100% organic cotton Rock n' Baby one piece (as pictured below), size 6-12 months in lemon yellow, and has a flocked print, which has a velvet texture. All one pieces come wrapped in a berry container, which makes for a great gift!

The second item is a free download of the newly released Babyscope iPhone app, which was developed by Sweet Spotte, LLC a division of Urban Tots.

Babyscope is the ultimate horoscope for babies. Horoscopes updated every month. See what is in store for your little star.

A big thank you to Urban Tots for sponsoring such a great giveaway. Please stop by their website and look around, as their one pieces, which come wrapped in berry containers, make such great baby shower gifts! :)

1. Share your favorite Summer snack.
(Mine are graham crackers with peanut butter. I don't know what it is, but it reminds me of summer camp!)

2. Become a follower of my blog.
(The button is located towards the bottom of the right-hand column. If you are already a follower, please remind me!)

There are 2 possible entries, so please be sure to leave a separate comment for each entry, and make sure there is a way for me to contact you (leave your email address in your comment if you don't have a blog or if you post as Anonymous, as I need to be able to contact you when you win!).

This giveaway will close the evening of Thursday, June 24th, and is open to US residents only.

Winners will be selected via Random.org.


June 9, 2010


I'm not normally bossy, but wanted to give you fair warning...come back tomorrow (mark it on your calendar if you need to) as I've been working with Urban Tots on a great giveaway for YOU!

See you then! :)

June 8, 2010

Money In My Pocket!

I'm frugal and will be the first to admit it. I won't mention names, but I come by it honestly...it's who I am deep to the core. I love sales (especially fabric sales), don't mind using coupons, feel guilty when I buy something for me (or at full price!), and usually have buyer's remorse even for a small $10 purchase- ha!

I've been recently introduced to Hip2Save, a website hosted by a young penny-pinching mom that enjoys sharing deals, coupons, freebies, and all sorts of great stuff with her readers! Hip2Save was the source for the coupon code I used for my business cards at Overnight Prints (free 500 cards- just pay shipping!). Here's a sneak peek at my business cards...I'm in love! :)

Yesterday Hip2Save posted this Quizno's coupon which Mr. D and I used last night for dinner, and today for lunch...he he he. In today's economy you can't beat a sandwich, soda, and chips for $2.99! If you have some time, take a look at Hip2Save, as the deals are endless and it never hurts to save when you can! New deals are posted throughout the day, so you may want to schedule a morning and afternoon Hip2Save session! :)

Are you frugal, cheap, thrifty, and/or a penny-pincher? :)

June 7, 2010

Weekend Recap...

I'm back!!!...and am so sorry that I have been MIA for the past week, I guess you could say that last week got the best of me! :(

Yesterday (Sunday) I felt like Alexander, you know the ‘Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day’ Alexander. The day started out well as I got up and went to church and then enjoyed a breakfast panini at Corner Bakery…bacon yum! I did a mad dash through the grocery store to pick up food and goodies for the local food drive. Mr. D and Stuart helped me unload the car {well really Stuart was sniffing around the yard, but he was helping in spirit!}. After getting everything inside, I noticed that the bag that had the two jars of spaghetti sauce was a bit moist. Being the nosy gal I am I took one of the jars of spaghetti sauce out of the bag to find that the lid was not on properly (or perhaps I should say not at all!); as I was trying to adjust the lid (I’m not sure why, as the jar clearly had to be thrown away as it was open!) the lid came off and the jar of RED spaghetti sauce dropped from chest height onto the kitchen counter, and splattered everywhere. I was COVERED in sauce…my shirt was soaked, my pants were soaked, and there was even sauce between my toes as I was wearing flip flops (ick!). The kitchen rug was quickly taken outside and hosed down to remove the sauce, the sliding glass door curtains were quickly put in the washing machine (twice), and I was on my hands and knees cleaning the kitchen floor. Needless to say I was in tears and so frustrated!

Thankfully the latter half of the day got better as Stuart came back from his grooming appointment smelling like a rock star, Mr. D and I had dinner with my family, and we were able to catch up with some old friends at the church carnival/family fun night. Sunday night after dinner I was also able to finish up two Diaper Pods, one was added to the shop, and the second was a custom order- woo hoo!

Monday proved to be a much better day, as I made a sale and got a custom order for a coordinating Nursing Cocoon and Diaper Pod- yippee!

How was your weekend?

June 2, 2010

Etsy Love- Garden Markers

I've been longing for a vegetable garden lately, as the produce at the local grocery store has been sub-par for some time now (don't you hate when that happens?). The first summer we moved in Mr. D planted and maintained our very first vegetable garden. From what I remember, we had three varieties of tomatoes (my favorite), basil, and something else...he he he!

If I were to plant a garden right now, I would invest in some tomato plants, green bell peppers, and cucumbers (and I would have to watch Stuart extra carefully as he is a lover of all vegetables!). Do you have a garden? If so, what do you enjoy growing?

If you do have a garden, or are looking to start one, Etsy has some great handmade Garden Markers...below are some of my favorites!

BeachHouseLiving- Silverware Garden Markers herbs set of 5 vintage silver plated flatware knives forks spoon rustic patina

NinaGibsonDesigns- Herb Garden Plant Markers Mini Nickel

fromArtisanHands- Veggie Garden Stakes / Plant Markers - A Set of 3

MakeThyme- Custom Copper Garden HERB Markers Set of 10 UPPER CASE

Gray + Yellow= New Diaper Pod

A new Diaper Pod/Summer Clutch has been added to the shop- woo hoo!

Details- Camelot Cotton's Bridgewater collection.

The gray and yellow combination is definitely one of my {recent} favorites. What are some of your favorite color combinations?

June 1, 2010

Summer TV...

I'm not a huge TV addict, although I do have a handful of shows that I keep up with (Chuck, Glee, and Private Practice...). Tonight I caught the summer sneak peek of Wipeout- have you seen this crazy obstacle course TV show? If you haven't, I suggest that you take some time to get acquainted with the show, as it is a hoot!

The premise of the show is that each week twenty-for contestants take on Wipeout's extreme obstacle course in hopes of being named 'Wipeout Champion'. The remaining four contestants that successfully make it through three qualifying rounds complete in the ultimate Wipeout Zone obstacle course for a cash prize and the 'Wipeout Champion' title. Check out the video below for Wipeout's Top 10 Moments! :)

I have to say that the red bouncy balls are my favorite...he he he. I should also mention that I've never seen someone get 'hurt' while completing the obstacle course...I know some of you were worried!