March 17, 2010

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

A couple of fun St. Patrick's Day facts for you...!
  • The St. Patrick's Day custom came to America in 1737 (273 years ago!).
  • Finding a four-leaf clover, wearing green (school children started the pinching tradition), and kissing the Blarney Stone are all good luck on St. Patrick's Day.
  • The color of St. Patrick was not actually green, but blue! In the 19th century, however, green came to be used as a symbol for Ireland.
  • recently ranked the Blarney Stone as the most unhygienic tourist attraction in the world! (ICK!)
  • Kissing the Blarney Stone while suspended upside down is supposed to give you 'The Gift of Gab'.
  • There are more Americans of Irish origin than there are Irish in Ireland; in Delaware, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire Irish is the leading ancestral group.
  • Until the 1970’s, all pubs were shut in Ireland on St Patrick’s Day.
  • Legend has it that St. Patrick drove all of the snakes and frogs from Ireland. (My kind of man!...have I ever mentioned that I'm deathly afraid of frogs?)

Wishing all a great and safe day! Mr. D (my Irish man) and I will be having the traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner tonight- yummy!

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