November 13, 2009

Shame On Me!

I know, I know...I've been a really bad blogger this week, and I'm so sorry! I'm blaming it on blogger's block, as it's the worst!

A couple of updates:
  • I've been working on a Christmas clutch order this week after work. The fabric is a "collection" of blues, greens, and browns. I hope to be able to deliver the first six clutches on Monday!
  • Looks as though Saturday is date night in our house- woo hoo! Perhaps a movie (I vote non-scary...I hope I win!) and dinner- good times!
  • I hope to start on my Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day project this weekend. I have big ideas and I hope it all works out! :)
  • My small group (aka bible study) is having a cookie exchange this year- I'm very excited!
  • Lastly, do you read The Vintage Pearl's blog (if not, you really need to check out her jewelry- it's beautiful!)? I'm proud to say that I do, and was tickled pink this morning when I saw my name on her blog! I've heard such great things about the Pioneer Woman's cookbook and I love her story (excuse me for a second...Mr. D- don't get any crazy ideas!). Thank you again Erin!

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