January 23, 2012

Delighted Fabric Launch Party!!!

I may {or may not be!} three months late with this post, but it is what it is!  Some of you may know that I was in Utah in October for The Quilted Fish's Delighted Fabric Launch Party, and let me tell you, it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!  :)

Every table in the room was decorated with the utmost attention to detail!

Mr. Fish (Amanda's sweet husband) built this doll house for the party, and let me tell you it was a HIT!  The Delighted fabric was Mod Podged onto the wood, and then carefully assembled per the instructions.

Here is a look at the inside of the house.  All of the furnishings were made by Jana!  :)

Fun and fashionable Dress Form Mannequin Pin Cushions, made using DIY Dish's tutorial.

This was my 'home away from home' for the night!  The party featured two make-and-takes, one being a dog tag fabric necklace, and the other a bottle cap pincushion (which Jana manned).  Behind the table are also projects made by some of the The Quilted Fish's Design Team!

I LOVE this apron!  :)

This is Jana's station, where each party goer had the opportunity to make a bottle cap pincushion!

Sassy Jana!!!  :)

Each window displayed a sweet vignette of collections and handmade goodies featuring the Delighted fabric.

Above is the bunting I prepared for the party!  (Could you tell it was mine as each pendant is backed with burlap!?!)  ;)

Treats for all of the party goers!

The photo booth and fun props were a hit throughout the night!

This is Jana and I together (one of the only photos I have of us from our week together!).  I'm so thankful that I was able to be in Utah for the party, and that I had the opportunity to spend the time I did with both Amanda and Jana.  I am one lucky girl to be able to call them both friends, and better yet Besties!  ;)

PS- Interested in the kitchen themed projects made by the Design Team?  If so make sure to view the online magazine as well as the tutorials!


  1. holy smokes! it looks like there was more creativity in that one room than we see at most quilt market booths! amazing & thanks for sharing!!

  2. what a fun party! i want, um, everything i saw in those pics?! awesome!

  3. Looks like you guys had such an awesome time. I wish I could have been there with you!

  4. Sounds like a great time! I love the Quilted Fish fabrics, especially the Sugar & Spice paisley prints.


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