October 3, 2011

Out of My League?

I'm leaving for The Sewing Summit on Friday morning, and I am SO nervous.  It doesn't help that I've been looking through all of the beautiful projects that The Sewing Summit attendees have made for the conference.  Its hard to believe, but after years of sewing, I still have not made anything for myself.  Well, technically I still have this brown and green quilt in my possession, but I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it or gift it.

Here's to hoping that I can whip up a laptop sleeve, camera strap, a Coffee Burlap Tote Bag for myself, and perhaps a name tag (this is when I desperately wish that I could hand stitch...anyone want to teach me!?!), all before Thursday night.  I also need to learn how to work my new DSLR camera, as I don't want to lug it to SLC and not use it (again, anyone willing to tutor me!?!).

What prized possessions have you made for yourself?


  1. You are not out of your league! You are going to have the best time. And, I wouldn't worry too much about the camera. You can always have someone there show you how to use it.

  2. Have a good time at the sewing summit! I'm like you and I never make anything for myself, but I was recently forced to make a friendship quilt for myself and I've been loving it. Hope you get all of your items on your to do list made before you leave, and if you figure out how to use your DSLR be sure to take lots of pictures to share them with all of us

  3. I rarely make anything for myself. I honestly cannot think of a thing. Except for the few things I've made for myself for The Sewing Summit since everyone else is doing it. (Quilting peer pressure, lol) If you don't get around to making anything before, there's plenty of sewing time over the weekend!

    And even though I've made things for this weekend, I still feel silly and out of my league. I mean, all those gorgeous projects!

  4. Exciting and have fun! I'm sure your stuff will be awesome. :O)

  5. Aww don't let nerves be bigger than excitement. Sounds like you're going to have a great time =) Make sure you enjoy it!

  6. What do you want to learn to handstitch? Embroidery? I can teach you!


I LOVE your comments, and read them all! Thank you! :)