July 29, 2011

For My SoCal Friends!

Happy Friday, friends!  I may be late to the party, but I received a sweet email from my Grandma M this morning, letting me know that a...


will be opening in Rancho Cucamonga, come October.  Say what!?!  This news made my day!  Granted I've only been to Hobby Lobby once, but from what I remember it was WAY better than Michael's and/or JoAnn's (I've never really been a fan of either store, but that's a topic for another day!).

July 25, 2011

Stuart's Day Job

I took a photo of Stuart on the job the other day.  Most days he works hard protecting the house and giving me hugs, but at times he needs to check his puppy mail on the computer.  :)


I hope that everyone had a wonderful Monday!  I'm working for a couple of hours tomorrow (headed down to Oceanside, but sadly there won't be any time to visit the beach), and then I desperately need to come home and sew.  I'm hoping that I find some sewing motivation between now and tomorrow afternoon!  :)

July 23, 2011


I've been a HORRIBLE blogger!  :(  Let's just pretend that I was away at Summer Camp- okay?  :)  In all honesty, life has been moving quickly, and thankfully in a positive direction.  A couple of highlights from the past two weeks or so:
  •  Took a quick road trip, with Stuart in tow.  He doesn't exactly get along with his dog cousins, so its hard to find him a place to stay when I leave town.  This time around our sweet family friends agreed to let Stuart visit.  It was his first road trip and he did VERY well!   :)
  • While out of town, I had an appointment scheduled with Strawberry Patches.  Let me preface that Strawberry Patches is the premiere quilt shop in the San Joaquin Valley.  In fact, Strawberry Patches was where I learned how to sew- so cool!  I went into the meeting a tad bit nervous, as that's the norm (I'm a huge ball of nerves!).  The meeting was SO successful!  Patterns were ordered, samples were ordered, and a wonderful creative relationship was developed!  My sweet friend Suzanne, the owner of Strawberry Patches, sums up the meeting much better than I ever could.  Make sure to head on over to Notes From the Patch!
  • Some of my patterns and finished samples traveled with my friend to Gina, owner of Fresh Picked Fabrics, to the Project Linus chapter coordinator's meeting in Chicago!
I also have a couple of exciting announcements to share:
  • I'm working on some new tutorials, so make sure you stick around, as they will be great gift ideas!  :)
  • I'll be having Made With Love's first GIVEAWAY WEEK, August 8th-14th!  I have some sweet blog friends that will be participating (thank you!).  If you have a shop and would be interested in participating in Giveaway Week, please email me at squirmywormstudio@gmail.com for details!  :)
  • I'm also working on a Q&A post, so if you have any questions that you've just been dying to ask, leave me a comment and I'll answer them in a future blog post.
I hope that everyone is having a great weekend!  I'm headed to the Happiest Place on Earth tomorrow!  :)

July 11, 2011

Summer Camp by The Quilted Fish

Are you a fan of summer camp?  I am, or perhaps should say was, as I frequented a local summer camp as a young child.  Today I want to direct your attention to The Quilted Fish's Summer Camp, as she has some great festivities planned for all of the crafty campers!

(Photo by The Quilted Fish)

Let's see if I can summarize the Summer Camp details:
  • The Quilted Fish (Amanda) is giving away a certain number of Glamp Kits to blog readers (make sure to leave a comment on Amanda's blog, no later than July 18th, for a chance to win!).
  • If your name is not picked to win a Glamp Kit, you can still participate in Summer Camp as you can purchase a Kit from Amanda's website.
  • Send a photo of your completed Glamp to Amanda, no later than August 8th.
  • All entry photos will be posted, votes will be counted, and the top three entrants will win prizes- woo hoo!
To add to the excitement, some of the Creative Consultants will be participating by making their own version of the Glamps to share on their blogs (I already have an idea for mine!!!), along with a giveaway.  I hope you join the fun, as Summer Camp is always something to look forward to.  That, AND who doesn't want to make their own Glamp!?!  :)

July 10, 2011

Bible Reading List- Week #14

Anyone still along for the Bible in 52 Weeks ride?  Here's this week's reading list...

Sunday- 1 Corinthians 11-12
Monday- Exodus 1-4
Tuesday- 1 Samuel 16-20
Wednesday- Psalms 39-41
Thursday- Job 27-28
Friday- Jeremiah 7-11
Saturday- Mark 7-8

July 8, 2011

The Quilted Fish Tutorials- Sally and Julie!

It's totally YOUR lucky day, as I have two tutorials for you to check out from The Quilted Fish's Design Team!  First up is Sally of Sally's Angelworks, and she has whipped up a beautiful 9-patch quilt tutorial for your enjoyment!  With Christmas just around the corner (not trying to scare anybody!), Sally's quilt tutorial would make AMAZING Christmas gifts...don't you think?  :)  I also want to mention that I saw this beauty at Quilt Market, and Sally did an amazing job on both the design and the machine quilting...she's a pro!  :)

You'll have to excuse me for my tardiness on the second tutorial, as Julie of The Intrepid Thread whipped up a Sweet Liberty Table Runner.  I think that table runners are a great addition to any table, so hop on over to your favorite fabric store, pick up some discounted 4th of July fabric (score!) and make a table runner or two for next year's festivities!  :)

July 7, 2011

Everyday Keepsakes

I love the days when my mailman showers the mailbox with gifts...today was one of those days!  I want to introduce you to my sweet friend Meredith, of Everyday Keepsakes.  Meredith is a stay-at-home-mom, turned graphic designer, turned jewelry maker.  She has mastered the art of combining her graphic design skills, with her metal clay jewelry ideas, by designing her own stamps.  How cool is that!?!

I absolutely love Meredith's work, and she likes my Coffee Burlap Tote Bags, so we did a little switch-a-roo!  My Sewing Lovers Necklace arrived in today's mail, and I LOVE it!  The sewing machine is absolutely darling, not to mention that it matches my blog header...oh yeah!  I've sent out a Coffee Burlap Tote Bag to Meredith and hope that it comes in handy this summer!


Here are a couple more of my favorite necklaces from Everyday Keepsakes...

Make sure to stop by Meredith's blog and say hello, and while you're there make sure to take a look at everything she has to offer, as she is one talented lady!  :)

July 6, 2011

Weekend Recap!

Hello!  I hope that everyone had a wonderful 4th of July weekend! Were you able to squeeze in any sewing/crafting time?  On Saturday, I had some time to work on the wedding quilt.  Here is a sneak peek at the first to rows of the quilt.  For the most part the quilt is complete, except for the embroidery of the bride and groom's initials, plus wedding date!  :)


On Sunday my sister and I headed to the local outlet mall for a little retail therapy!  I have to say that it was SO nice to spend the afternoon together.  We both lead busy lives (well, she does and I'm just a homebody), so although we live close together we don't normally spend the afternoon together.  I picked up a cute dress for the upcoming wedding, and I think I turned my little sister onto Gap and Banana Republic.  She doesn't quite have the same love for the two that I do, but I did what I could, with the time that I had!  :)

Do you have a sister that lives close by?  If so, what do the two of you find yourselves doing for fun?

July 3, 2011

Bible Reading List- Week #13

Happy Sunday to all!!!  How's the reading going for everyone?  I've kept up with posting the weekly reading schedule, yet am significantly behind on the reading.  No worries, there's still time for me (and you?) to catch up!  :)
Sunday- 1 Corinthians 9-10
Monday- Genesis 48-50
Tuesday- 1 Samuel 11-15
Wednesday- Psalms 36-38
Thursday- Job 22-26
Friday- Jeremiah 1-6
Saturday- Mark 5-6