February 28, 2011

I'm On The Payroll...

Today was my first day of work (not first day ever, just first day in a very long time!).  :)  I tried to go to bed early last night, but that didn't happen as I'm a procrastinator and had to cram before I went to work in the morning- ugh!  Anyways, with very little sleep (due to cramming and nerves) I ventured out this morning.  I'll be traveling 2-3 days a week for the next 4 weeks and must prepare 46 reports in the next 5 weeks, as the project deadline is the end of March.  Whew- I get tired just thinking about the scope of work!  :)

I'd really like to capture all of the 'Welcome To So and So City' signs, but the logistics of that is just too much.  So instead I'll leave you with my favorite Starbucks from today's travels.  Through the years I've worked with many national retailers, and I have to say Starbucks is quite unique as for the most part they don't have a set building prototype.  I'm sure that decision goes hand in  hand with the 'neighborhood coffee shop' concept!  :)

Huntington Beach, CA
(Is it just me, or does the photo look like an architectural rendering?)


  1. Congratulations, Candice! Very exciting! That makes me tired just thinking about it, too. That is a LOT of work! How will you ever get any sewing done?! Yes, it does look like the artist rendering!

  2. I am just like that! The first day of whatever new thing I am starting (new semester at university, new job, visiting a new friends family) I am usually too excited to even sleep :)
    Congratulations on your new job! And even though that schedule sounds exhausting, it must feel so good to go working again. I know that I feel good once I can work again (I have one big exam coming in two month and I am kneedeep into studying...)

  3. Oh, btw, I love your new blog layout!

  4. Photograph so awesome, it looks like a staged marketing rendering!


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