January 17, 2011

A Work In Progress!

I've always dreamed of having a sewing studio of my own! One that inspires me to create, where I'm surrounded by beautiful fabric, and where my sewing machine is a permanent fixture! Slowly but surely my dream of having a studio is coming together (the photos below are proof!). :)

I can't believe that I'm actually publishing some of these photos, but here we go! :) I used to store my fabric in a single plastic tote, but when my collection grew too much to fit in the tote, it was stored on the carpet (so embarrassing!).

Needless to say my lack of concealed fabric storage really spearheaded my need to organize my sewing room! After plenty of folding and sorting my fabric stash transformed into neat little piles. :)

I picked up this armoire last week and have big plans for it, as I purchased black paint today and hope to get it painted within the next couple of days- woo hoo! I've also been looking for new knobs and I totally fell in love with these, but the cost of 8 knobs totals more than the cost of the armoire, which means I need to think long and hard about that possible purchase!

Last but not least, my parents purchased this darling sewing chair for my new sewing studio (thanks again Mom and Dad!). I'm working on getting a sewing desk built to complete my sewing studio, and hope to paint it a fun turquoise (which will match the chair!).

I'll make sure to post photos of my completed space, in hopes of redeeming myself after admitting to the fact that I used to store fabric on the floor- yikes! :)


  1. So cute! Perhaps you could paint the knobs turquoise like the desk to pull them into the room, until you do get the ones you want.. or paint them to look like buttons.

  2. Looking good! That sewing chair is amazing! Love it. It is so nice to have a sewing room, where you can leave things set up! You'll love it. It's worth all the effort!

  3. That is awesome! I love the chair. My sewing room is the living room. All of the furniture gets spread to the walls and I put my quilt frame in the middle when it isn't Christmas time (the only time we ever use the formal living room).

  4. Looks like you are making wonderful progress with your studio! I really LOVE your chair!

  5. I love that chair! Where did you find it? It is way too cute!

  6. i love this. i don't sew and i still dream of a place like your vision here! =)


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