August 11, 2010

The Handmade Marketplace

For those of you who know me in real life, you know that I'm a thinker who is easily frightened by change and has a hard time making decision. Needless to say the day I lost my job my world was spinning! A short 3 months ago (a month and a half before I lost my job) I opened Squirmy Worm Studio- a place to sell handmade goodies, build friendships, and an avenue to spread handmade love. I have to say that although my business is still new, and a bit awkward at times, I am so thankful to have something to wake up to everyday (other than Live with Regis and Kelly!). ;)

I moved all of my sewing paraphernalia over to my parent's house and when I'm not looking for employment opportunities, Stuart and I go over to my parent's house to work a half a day or so in my one person sweat shop. Last night I was over at my parent's house sewing when my Momma handed me The Handmade Marketplace, by Kari Chapin.

I opened the book and the very first sentence is "Why do you create?"...which got me thinking. Personally, I sew and craft because I love seeing what I can do with my hands. I would say that sewing helps me de-stress, but that would be a big fat lie as I'm always stressing about deadlines, fabric combinations, and slightly imperfect top-stitching, but that's who I am! I grew up in a crafty household as my Momma sews, cross stitches, and did her share of shrinky dinks and puff paint when they were the in style! My little sister was always working on something whether it was a sewing project or a polymer clay figurines. I guess you can say that crafting is in my gene pool!

Why do you create?

P.S.- Keep an eye out as I'm adding a new product to my shop! I'm quite excited about the reveal! :)

1 comment:

  1. I create because it does de-stress me (at least from my daily life stress lol). I love using something I've made or being able to give something I've made to a friend or family member. Each item that I make seems to have a little part of me with it. So when I put it out there as a gift or (soon) to sell I pray it brings a smile to the face of the person on the receiving end and that it makes them happy to have it and use it.


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