May 20, 2010

Winner, Winner...Is It You???

Thank you so much for everyone stopping by! I read each and everyone of your comments and am so thankful for the kind words and suggestions! If I could have responded to each comment I would have, but instead I'll just have to take some time to visit you...wherever your little piece of webspace may be! :)

Enough chitter chatter...drumroll please! The winner of the Erin McMorris and Amy Butler Diaper Pod is number....90 (which happens to be a popular number today- total coincidence!)!!!

Congratulations to Tara who said...
I hope everyone sticks around, as I'll continually post to my blog, Squirmy Worm Studio's Facebook page, and add to the shop!

PS- there is still one Erin McMorris and Amy Butler Diaper Pod in the shop...just don't fight over it, as I would hate to cause a worldwide web uproar! ;)

1 comment:

I LOVE your comments, and read them all! Thank you! :)