May 12, 2010

Etsy Artist Feature #3- True Love Found

Please tell us a little about yourself- name, location, what do you like to do for fun?
Hello! Its Amy coming to you from central Florida. Fun for us is pretty easy, anything to do with the beach, friends, and family.

What is your shop’s name and URL? What do you sell? Do you have a favorite item?
My little corner of Etsy is True Love Found {}. I create custom crowns for birthdays, holiday's and just plain dress up fun. Picking a favorite item is hard, being a little bias here, but I think all my creations are one of kind and pretty darn cute!

How did your shop’s name come about?
What's in a name? True Love Found, comes from my favorite Cinderella book my daughter has. There is a page when Cinderella and the Prince meet that just reads, "In silence love found them." To make it a little more my own I added true. Hence, True Love Found. Oh how fairy tales do take us to a land far far away...

What inspires you to create?
My kids first and foremost. But in close second would be all the creative Mommas out there that reach out to me to work on a piece that is special for their little one. I love helping Moms complete that vision they have had in their mind.

What made you decide to open up a shop on Etsy?
My daughter was going to be starting preschool and I was pregnant with number 2. I knew I wanted to do something at home and have fun. So one day while playing dress up, it kind of just hit me. I can make super cute personalized crowns. So I started that day playing around with different shapes and ideas.

What is the one word that describes you best?
Sponge {I know that sounds weird but really I love to learn. I love reading and exploring. So I think sponge is the best word for that!}.

If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?
I have had the honor and privilege to travel to South Africa, and hope to go back one day soon. So that's where you would find me!

Do you have any words of wisdom for newbie sellers?
I think first thing I would say would be if you like what you are making then there will be someone else out there that would like it also. So find those people. If you have a item related to a certain category ie birthday parties, reach out to party bloggers. Get your name out there. And do not be afraid to ask other to help with that process. Blog features, giveaways, and of other blurbs you can get. Trading is another awesome venue. It can be such a win win. If you find another store you would like to trade with, ask, what is the worst they can say no?! Then if they have a blog, FB fan page, and/or Twitter ask if you can each do a write up. I have gotten A LOT of contacts and friends out of doing this. Its a great way to promote your shop with out having to pay for Ad fees!

Sending hugs and kisses across the blogging world!

A big thank you to Amy for participating in my first Etsy Artist Feature Week! :) Make sure to swing by her blog for some great reading and darling photos!

I'll meet you back here tomorrow for Etsy Artist Feature #4!

1 comment:

I LOVE your comments, and read them all! Thank you! :)