February 12, 2010

Learning to Crochet!

With the endless inspiration from Etsy, I've found myself very inspired to learn how to crochet! With the help of my Grandma M. and this book (on loan from the library!) I hope to be crocheting away in no time! I already have yarn and a set of hooks (thanks Grandma!), and now just need to wait for my finger to heal a bit more.




I'm in love with the sweet Mary Janes, and the cute baby boy loafers! The puppy dog slippers are quite cute too, and every pair of shoes needs a matching beanie! If all goes well, I think I might have found my staple baby shower gift! :)


  1. Join the club...picked up my first crochet hook in JANUARY~loving it! LAura

  2. All are adorable! Love the beanie - in fact I believe I have one just like it, purchased at babyGAP a few years ago... for myself. :)


I LOVE your comments, and read them all! Thank you! :)