September 13, 2009

Well Rested and Back in the USA!

Hello to all! I'm back with access to a computer and cell phone (yeah!), as well as nice and icy cold Diet Coke (my favorite)!!! A week sure does fly by when you're having fun...

We left last Sunday out of San Pedro, CA and sailed on the Mariner of the Seas to Mexico (Cabo San Lucas, Mazatlan, and Puerto Vallarata) and back. Mr. D and I were welcomed home this morning by a very happy and rambunctious puppy (Stuart), as well as our two dear friends Casey and Heather that graciously house sat and puppy sat while we were away (THANK YOU SO MUCH!).

Mariner of the Seas

The first port of call was Cabo San Lucas, where Mr. D, my sister and soon to be brother-in-law chose to do a canopy adventure excursion (way out of my comfort zone!). Below are a few photos of the zip-lines, bridges, ladders, etc. that both Mr. D and I conquered!

Zip- line

Mr. D crossing the rope bridge (very scary, and I'm not even going to comment about the lovely green water below!).

Rock Wall Ladder

Tarazan Swing (quite fun!).

Mr. D crossing the hanging bridge. (Note- [dear family] due to my past experience of FALLING through a hanging bridge in Hawaii [granted not nearly as high as the one pictured above] I was very NERVOUS, but I made it!)

We (aka the six of us- Mom, Dad, me, Mr. D, sister, and soon to be brother-in-law) spent the day in Mazatlan traveling through the City both by taxi (aka buggies) and foot (it was SO hot and HUMID- ick!). We stopped in Senor Frog's for a drink and some entertainment and then ended the day with a very delicious (and cheap) lunch before heading back to the boat. Oh and PS- we walked around looking for a tequila bottle shaped like a worm for someone in California. If you're in need of one you can find them in the shops at the cruise terminal (the last place we looked before we boarded the ship)! ;)

View of Mazatlan from ship (Port side).

View of Mazatlan from left side of ship.

Puerto Vallarata was also very hot and humid (thus most of the photos are foggy as the camera lens fogged up due to the humidity!). The six of us spent the day walking around the City, looking in shops, we grabbed lunch at a local taco place (quite yummy) and rode the City bus back to the Port (much more economical than a taxi!). :)

All in all the cruise was a wonderful and very relaxing vacation. The food was EXCELLENT, as well as the on-board activities (entertainment, games, etc.). In January my vacation hours will be replenished, thus Mr. D and I might have to look at taking another cruise in the near future! :)

PS- The cruise hosted an art class on Saturday (which I missed because I thought it was a kid's art class- so sad!). From what I gathered the participants used Mod Podge and made a frame for a vacation photo or two- so cool! I've got some unpacking and grocery shopping to do, and tomorrow after work I'm back to my crafting routine! :)


  1. What a fun time you had! I LOVED the pictures! You were so brave!:) Lori

  2. Wow, you look great on that zip line! I hope you had a wonderful trip!


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