July 21, 2009

No Reason To Worry...

To all of my faithful readers...I'm still alive and kicking! :o)

I've been busy working on the items in the pipeline, as well as a couple extra unforeseen projects!

Mr. D's football quilt is a work in progress. To date, I have two of the five fabrics cut (am I the only one that HATES cutting fabric?), and am excited to get to the point where 'cutting' will be past tense, as it is all down hill from there! :)

I've also been working on my Craft Swap project, as August 8th is our first meeting! I'm so excited to be able to share with all what I've been up to, as keeping my craft a secret has proven to be quite tricky! It looks like I'll have an extra one of my craft project, so stay tuned for my first giveaway!

I have a couple of finished projects that I am excited to share with all, but you'll have to hang on until the weekend as the lighting in the house after work is not working for me!

I'm happy to report that the diaper/wipes case was gifted last week by D, and from what I heard the momma-to-be was very excited and appreciative, which is exactly why I do what I do!

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